
  • 网络Field strength meter;field intensity meter;HST-CQY;Electrostatic Fieldmeter;rifl
  1. DVB-C数字式场强仪的设计

    Design of A Digital TV Field Test Instruments on DVB-C Signal

  2. 该场强仪可以对有线电视系统的电平、频谱、载噪比、A/V比、系统不平度、交流干线和电池电压等进行测量,并通过液晶显示,结果保存于EPROM中。

    This instrument can meter the electric level , frequency spectrum , carry to noise ratio , A / V , cobbly ratio , voltages of the AC trunk line and the battery . Furthermore it can display the above information on the LCD and store them in the EPROM .

  3. 直流场强仪及用其测量离子流电场

    DC Field Meter and its Application in Measuring ion Flow Field

  4. 干扰场强仪在测量调频信号时产生的误差

    Interference Field Level Meter Error in Measuring FM Signal

  5. 近区场强仪自动校准测试的研究

    Study of Auto - calibration and Measurement of Near Region Field Strength Meter

  6. 多功能、数字化、便携式场强仪的设计

    Multifunctional Digital Portable Field Strength Meter

  7. 介绍了近区场强仪的核准原理和方法,着重介绍了近区场强议的自动校准测试系统和软件的研究。

    The calibration principle and method of the near region field strength meter are described , especially its auto calibration and test system and the study of software .

  8. 详细叙述了一种新型手持式场强仪的电路原理、各部分电路的信号处理过程以及系统的软件设计,并且给出了实现本产品所需的主要元器件以及它们的主要参数。

    The principle of the circuit in a new style handy field strength meter of CATV , the procedure of signal processing in every part of the circuit and the design of system software have been described .

  9. 该系统的硬件部分主要有笔记本计算机、场强测试仪ESPI、轮轴脉冲信号触发器和GPS信号接收机等仪器设备等构成,通过软件使笔记本计算机控制测试设备进行场强测试。

    The system construct of the notebook computer , instrument ESPI , the axle pulse signal to trigger the instrument equipments and the GPS signal receiver etc. the notebook computer control the test equipment carry on the signal test through the software part .

  10. 本文采用部分优化模拟电荷法和Pockels场强测量仪,对染污光滑圆柱绝缘子在出现局部电弧前后以及局部电弧处于不同位置时的沿面电场分布进行了数值仿真计算和实测。

    In this paper , the electric field distribution along the polluted cylindrical insulator surface before and after the local arc appeared was calculated with the optimized partially charge simulation method and was measured with a Pockels device .

  11. 无线电干扰场强测量仪产品具有良好的抗电场、磁场干扰性能。

    Radio interference field strength measuring instrument Low noise and good inter-pair interference immunity .

  12. 无线电干扰场强测量仪光纤电场强度传感器

    Radio interference field strength measuring instrument

  13. 数字式电视场强测试仪

    Digital TV Field Test Instruments

  14. 开放式智能场强测试仪的研制新型手持式场强仪原理与实现

    Development of an Open-System Intelligent Field Strength Meter The Principal and Implementing of a New Style Handy Field Strength Meter of CATV

  15. 无线电干扰场强测量仪但是若提高电子通讯的强度,又会增加无线电干扰杂讯。

    Radio interference field strength measuring instrument And as our electronic communications become more intense , they simply add to the din of radio interference .

  16. 无线电干扰场强测量仪对串行通讯在较强的电磁干扰条件下的传输实时性进行了研究。

    Radio interference field strength measuring instrument The real-time property of serial communication under intense electromagnetism interference conditions was researched as a monitoring system of rapid-response servo system .

  17. 磁化器场强分布测定仪的研制

    Study on development of instrument of measuring magnetizers ' distribution of magnetization

  18. 智能型高场强脉冲磁疗仪的研制及临床应用

    Development and clinical applications of intelligent type pulse magnetic treat instrument with high magnetic field strength

  19. 所设计的磁化器场强分布测定仪能够测定磁化器的磁性能参数,由此来确定磁路的最优组合分布。

    The instrument designed can determine the magnetic performance of magnetizaers so as to find out the optimal combined distribution of the magnetization .