
  • 网络Floor broker
  1. 纽约证交所没有取消场内经纪商,但确实结束了经纪商滥用职权的行为。

    They didn 't get rid of floor brokers but they did end abuses .

  2. 凯里不久转到了芝加哥期货交易所的粮食交易场。在他之前,他的祖父和叔叔不仅也曾做过那里的场内经纪商,高喊着小麦、玉米和大豆订单的报价,而且还相继升任董事长。

    Mr Carey soon moved over to the CBOT 's grain pits , where his grandfather and uncle had not only shouted orders on wheat , maize and soya beans before him , but also rose to be chairmen of that exchange .