
  • 网络Rapeseed Meal;RSM;Canola Meal
  1. 实时荧光PCR定性检测菜籽粕中转基因成分的研究

    Study on real-time PCR for detecting genetically modified components of rapeseed meal

  2. Na2SO3对蛋白酶水解菜籽粕的影响

    Effects of Sodium Sulfite on Hydrolysis of Rapeseed Meal by Proteases

  3. 棉籽粕和菜籽粕加酶后,提高了粗蛋白消化率,而且预处理组与未预处理组相比粗蛋白消化率显著提高(p<0.05)。

    The protein digestibility of cottonseed meal and rapeseed meal were increased after enzyme added , and the digestibility of group II were increased significantly compared to that of group I ( p < 0.05 ) .

  4. 试验2研究了鱼粉、豆粕、棉籽粕、菜籽粕在鸡消化道各段(胃、十二指肠、空肠)食糜中肽氨基酸(PAA)的含量,并探讨了氨基酸消化率与肽氨基酸含量之间是否存在相关性。

    In experiment 2 , we determined the peptide amino acid ( PAA ) quantity in different protein , and studied the relationship between amino acid availability and peptide amino acid quantity .

  5. 经AZC处理菜籽粕的营养价值与饲喂生长猪效果

    Nutritive value of the AZC treated rapeseed meal for growing pigs

  6. 酒糟在2h降解率很低,只有6.28%,但在16h后降解率直线上升,并在24h后降解率超过棉籽粕和菜籽粕。

    The protein degradation rate of lees was very low by 6.28 % , but it rose in beeline in sixteen hours and it was higher than the degradation rates of CSM and RSM after twenty-four hours .

  7. 为充分开发利用贵州省丰富的菜籽粕饲料资源,降低肉牛的生产成本,给肉牛饲料生产提供科学试验依据,我们用菜籽粕取代大部分豆粕对杂交肉牛开展了为期60d的育肥试验。

    In order to exploit the rape cake as fodder resources , decrease the unit costs per gaining for feeding beef cattle , and provide scientific basis for feed industry of Guizhou , 60 days growth trial was conducted to study the gaining effect of rape cake on beef cattle .

  8. 低温压榨饼经YPH·20型挤压膨化机组织化处理,形成多微孔颗粒膨化料,经溶剂浸出制得残油率1%左右、蛋白质含量46%以上(干基)的菜籽粕。

    The low temperature pressed rapeseed cake was then textured to form micro porous pellet material by YPH · 100 extruder , followed solvent extraction , the rapeseed meal with 1 % residual oil rate could be got , and its protein content was raised to more than 46 % .

  9. 菜籽粕气氨干法脱毒新工艺研究

    Study on the new technology of ammonium-drying detoxification of rapeseed meal

  10. 菜籽粕中水溶性多糖提取工艺优化

    Optimization of the technology for extracting water-soluble polysaccharides from rapeseed meal

  11. 菜籽粕脱毒液中硫代葡萄糖苷提取工艺的研究

    Study on Extracting Procedure of Glucosinolates from Rapeseed Meal Detoxifying Solution

  12. 菜籽粕中硫葡萄糖甙化学降解产物的气相色谱分析

    Gas Chromatographic Analysis of Chemical Degradation Products of Glucosinolates in Rapeseed Cakes

  13. 菜籽粕的脱毒及其饲用价值研究

    Study on Detoxification of Rapeseed Cake and Its Feeding Value

  14. 由菜籽粕合成N-月桂酰基复合氨基酸表面活性剂

    Synthesis of N-Lauroyl Composite Amino Acids Surfactant From Rapeseed Meal

  15. 菜籽粕中抗营养因子及其去除方法的研究进展

    Research progress on anti-nutrients and detoxification methods of rapeseed meal

  16. 双低菜籽粕分离蛋白提取效果优化研究

    Optimization of Extraction for Protein Isolate in Double - Low Rape Meal

  17. 菜籽粕品质指标变化规律及相互关系研究

    Changes and relationships of the quality indexes of rapeseed meal

  18. 菜籽粕生物降解法脱毒及综合利用

    Detoxication and utilization of rapeseed cake by bio - degradation

  19. 菜籽粕中蛋白质含量及提取条件的研究

    The Study of the Protein Content and Extract Condition of Dregs of Rape

  20. 菜籽粕贮藏蛋白制备及功能性质研究

    Preparation of Storage Protein from Rapeseed Meal and Study on Its Functional Properties

  21. 加热对菜籽粕中赖氨酸的影响

    The Influence of Heating upon Lysine in Rapeseed Meals

  22. 双低菜籽粕在饲料中的应用

    Application of double - low rapeseed meal in feed

  23. 双低菜籽粕在生长肥育猪日粮中的应用研究

    A Study on Application of Double Low Rapeseed Meal in Growing-Finishing Swine Diets

  24. 菜籽粕的饲用现状和饲用改良技术发展趋势

    Status and trend of rapeseed meal for feed stuff

  25. 用菜籽粕育肥杂交牛增重效果的研究

    Gaining Effects of Rape Cake on Beef Cattle

  26. 对碱性蛋白酶和酸性蛋白酶联合水解菜籽粕进行了研究。

    The united hydrolysis of rapeseed meal with acidic protease and alkali protease was investigated .

  27. 菜籽粕制备复合氨基酸螯合铜的研究

    Study on Preparation of Synthesizing Cu (ⅱ) - Compound Amino Acid Chelate from Rapeseed Meal

  28. 菜籽粕对肉用仔鸡血清中甲状腺激素浓度和生产性能的影响

    Effects of rapeseed meal on concentration of thyroid hormones in serum and performance of growing broilers

  29. 棉、菜籽粕及玉米蛋白饲料在肉鸭饲粮中的应用

    Effects of Rapeseed Meal 、 Cottonseed Meal and Corn Germ Feed on the Cherry Valley Ducks

  30. 双低菜籽粕对草鱼和鲤生长性能和内脏器官的影响

    Influence of Double-low Rapeseed Meal on Growth Performances and Internal Organs of Grass Carp and Common Carp