
  • 网络Tofu with Vegetables
  1. HPLC法测定大豆苷元片的含量及溶出度寿喜烧是用小肉片、菜和豆腐制成的。

    Determination of Daidzein Solid Dispersion Troche Content and Its Dissolution By HPLC Sukiyaki is made of small pieces of meat , vegetables , and tofu .

  2. 番茄黄瓜菜汁豆腐加工工艺

    The process of the nutritional bean curd with tomato juice and cucumber juice

  3. 寿喜烧是用小肉片、菜和豆腐制成的。

    Sukiyaki is made of small pieces of meat , vegetables , and tofu .

  4. 介绍了菜汁豆腐和花生豆腐的研制工艺,并对一些技术难点,如菜汁的护色、稳定性及添加量等作了重点讨论。

    This paper reported the preparations of vegetable juice bean curd & peanut bean curd , and specially discussed some technical problems , such as color protecting , stability and addition of vegetable juice .

  5. 接下来吃的这道菜由卷心菜与豆腐干丁做成,它有个好听的名字叫飘香瓦罐(floatingfragranceinaBuddhistpot),但我注意到释永信几乎未动筷子。

    We tuck into a dish of cabbage and shredded dried tofu with the delightful name of floating fragrance in a Buddhist pot but I notice that the abbot is hardly touching his food .

  6. 它不像日本便当那样分格,饭菜的分布是纵向的,最底部是寿司米饭,上面一层层压着猪肉末、高丽菜、鸡蛋和豆腐。

    There are no compartments , as with Japanese bento . Arrangements are vertical , starting with a base of sushi rice and building up with minced pork , cabbage , egg and tofu .