
  1. 淮南煤矿职工艾滋病KAP及其影响因素和干预研究

    A Study on the Status of AIDS KAP and Its Influential Factors and Effect of Behavior Intervention among Coal Miners

  2. 淮南煤矿开采塌陷区土地综合利用

    Comprehensive reclaimed land resources from mining subsidence area of Huainan Mining Area

  3. 淮南煤矿深部岩巷掘进用爆破器材优化

    Optimization of driving explosive materials in deep-seated rock at Huainan coal mines

  4. 淮南煤矿毫秒爆破应用的回顾与展望

    Review and outlook of application of millisecond blasting in Huainan coal mines

  5. 高分辨率三维地震在淮南煤矿采区勘探中的应用

    Application of 3D seismic exploration technology to coal field exploration in Huainan mining area

  6. 淮南煤矿山西组煤样的二次生烃模拟研究

    Simulation and potential evaluation of hydrocarbon regeneration of coal in the Shanxi Formation Huainan Coalmine

  7. 疏降地下水引起地面塌陷浅析&以淮南煤矿区为例

    Analysis on the land collapse induced by pumping groundwater & Huainan Coal Mine as an example

  8. 淮南煤矿进行三下采煤的技术对策

    Technical counter measures for coal mining under buildings , water-bodies and railways in Huainan coal mines

  9. 淮南煤矿塌陷区煤矸石填充复垦及其对环境的影响

    The reclamation by filling the depressions with gangues and its influence on the environment in the Huainan Mining Area

  10. 淮南煤矿机械行业产学研战略联盟构建障碍及解决对策研究

    Research on the barriers and their countermeasures in constructing the strategic alliance of production study research in Huainan enterprises of mining engineering

  11. 煤矸石释放重金属环境效应研究&淮南煤矿塌陷区水体试验场实例调查

    Environmental impact of heavy metal in coal mining spoils : An investigation on water near waste piles in Huainan gob area , Anhui Province , China

  12. 目的研究淮南煤矿尘肺病发病规律,探讨尘肺病防治对策。

    Objective To study the prevalence feature of pneumoconiosis of coalmine workers in Huainan Coalmine Group Company and put forward a strategy for preventing and treating pneumoconiosis .

  13. 但30年代创办的淮南煤矿给安徽矿业带来了勃勃生机,其从组织机构、交通运输到产销途径、生产设施都表现出良好的状况,这与政府资本的注入有着密切的关系。

    But Huainan Coal Mine brings vitality in the 1930s from the organization , transportation to production and marketing , production facilities . Official capital are closely linked .

  14. 淮南煤矿资源的开采给当地经济的发展作出了很大的贡献,但是由此而产生的地表位移、变形和下沉也给当地环境和居民生产、生活造成重大损害。

    The coal resources of Huainan make great contribution for local economic development . But the resulting surface displacement , deformation and sinking destroyed the local environment and infrastructure .

  15. 本文总结了淮南煤矿回采巷道中采用组合锚杆支护技术取得的成功经验,在此基础上,讨论了组合锚杆支护机理,并就组合锚杆支护主要参数的确定提出了相应的看法和建议。

    Based on successful experience with truss bolting technique in Huainan coal mines this paper discusses the mechanism of truss and suggests the method for determining main parameters of rock trusses .

  16. 第五部分,针对已有企办中小学转制办学的不同实践,提出淮南煤矿中小学改革与发展的基本策略。

    Part five raises the fundamental strategies to the reform and development in Huainan Coal Mine Middle and Junior Schools in answer to the different existed practice in the system shift of the enterprise middle and junior schools .

  17. 一方面优质的煤炭资源、优越的地理位置以及经济发达的长三角地区对煤炭的大量需求为淮南煤矿的发展创造了得天独厚的条件。

    On the one hand , high quality coal resources , good geographical location , and enormous demand for coal of the Yangtze River region , with the developed economy , created unique condition for development of Huainan coal mine .

  18. 对南华北地区淮南煤矿山西组煤样进行的热模拟实验结果表明:只有达到或超过一次演化温度点,煤才开始大量生烃。

    A thermal simulation experiment has been done on the coal sampled from Shanxi Formation in the Huainan Coalmine , south North China Basin , suggesting that a great deal of hydrocarbon is generated when simulation temperature reaches or exceeds the evolutionary temperature in the early stage of hydrocarbon generation .

  19. [目的]研究淮南地区煤矿工人幽门螺杆菌(HelicobacterPylori,H.pylori)vacA、cagA基因分布特征。

    Objective To investigate the distribution of vacA and cagA genes of Helicobacter pylori in miners of Huainan City .

  20. 主要有开滦、大同、阳泉、淮南等煤矿。

    The chief coal mines are Kailuan , Datong , Yangquan and Huainan .

  21. 安徽淮南大通煤矿废弃矿区生态修复研究

    The Research of Ecological Restoration of Datong Abandoned Coal Mine in Anhui Huainan Area

  22. 主要分析了淮南张北煤矿主采煤层的岩性和厚度、地质构造特征、工程地质和水文地质条件,以及瓦斯地质特征等,旨在评价矿井建设的实际工作。

    The main object of this paper is to analyze the characteristics of main minable coal seams in Zhangbei Coal Mine , concerning the litho-types , thickness , geological structures , engineering geology and hydro-geological conditions , as well as gas properties , to evaluate the construction of coal mine .

  23. 淮南市某煤矿企业职工艾滋病知识、态度、行为定性研究

    Qualitative research of knowledge , attitude and behavior about AIDS among workers in some mine enterprise

  24. 并据此研究结果设计了淮南谢桥煤矿极软岩巷道的支护方案与参数。

    Based on these research results , the supporting plan and parameters of roadway in Xieqiao coalmine in Huainan are designed .

  25. 淮南矿业集团某煤矿压风机房布置6台L8/60-7压风机,用同步电机直联拖动,励磁柜供励磁电源。

    A coal mine air compressor room of Huainan Mining Industry Group is arranged six L8 / 60-7 air compressors , with the synchronous motor driving directly , excitation counters for excitation power .