
  • 网络Perfect Vacation;The Perfect Holiday
  1. 但如果在游览行程中总有一台摄影机出现在面前的话,那恐怕也算不上是我们心目中的完美假期了。

    But walking around with a camera in front of your face might not be your idea of a perfect vacation .

  2. 黄金海岸是冲浪天堂,美丽的风光和旅游设施完全,您可以享受在太平洋地区完美假期。

    Gold Coast is the surfing Heaven with beautiful scene and the toruing facilities , you can enjoy in consummate vacation of Pacific Rim .

  3. 这会是你的一个完美的假期吗?

    Would it be a perfect holiday for you ?

  4. 每年的这个时候,巴恩希尔都会忙于让家人度过一个完美的假期。

    This time of year , she 's also expected to create perfect holidays for her family .

  5. 每个人都想把完美的假期照片带回家,然而这多半是不可能的。

    Everyone wants to head home with the perfect collection of holiday pictures , but more often than not that is impossible .

  6. 此外,你还可以乘坐带有玻璃船底的游艇和海豚一起游泳,徒步到绿油油的山丘去观看美丽的夜景。这些都会让你有一个完美的假期。

    Add on glass-bottomed boat tours , swimming with dolphins , treks into the luscious green hills and a happening nightlife scene and you have the perfect vacation .

  7. 欧洲为国民提供一个美好的生活,附带完美的假期、育儿假期和保健福利,但是经济却增长的很慢,这也是他们债务如此沉重的一个原因。

    Europe offers a good life to many people , with generous vacations , parental leaves and health benefits , but its economies have been growing slowly , which is one reason its debts are so onerous .