
  1. 在这部由玛丽亚·施拉德担任导演并参与编剧的科幻爱情片中,一位离异的人类学家(玛伦·艾格特饰演)同意试用一个被编程设定为完美伴侣的机器人。

    Directed and co-written by Maria Schrader , this sci-fi romance features Maren Eggert as a divorced anthropologist14 who agrees to test-drive an android that is programmed to be her perfect partner .

  2. 在《银翼杀手2049》中,K警官和她的人工智能全息图像伴侣Joi一起生活,Joi由华莱士集团开发,被打造成完美伴侣的形象。

    In Blade Runner 2049 , Officer K ( Ryan Gosling ) lives with his AI hologram companion Joi , who was manufactured by Wallace Corp and tailored as the perfect companion .

  3. 在上海这样的城市里,成千上万的人们涌向各种相亲活动,期待找到那个完美伴侣。

    And tens of thousands descend on matchmaking events in cities like Shanghai looking for the perfect mate .

  4. 世事变迁,沧海桑田,如今的时代与简·奥斯丁所描绘的那个女子们寻觅完美伴侣的19世纪的英国已经大不一样了。

    A lot has changed since Jane Austen wrote about women 's quest to find a perfect match in 19th century Britain .

  5. 一个前沿爱情专家表示,选择一个完美伴侣的方式和你选狗方式有很多相似之处。

    A leading love expert has suggested there are parallels between picking the perfect partner and the way you choose your dog .

  6. 我希望将爱子做得尽可能的人性化,包括她的外表、‘情感’和行为,这样她就是一个真正的完美伴侣了。

    I want to make her look , feel and act as human as possible so she can be the perfect companion .

  7. 而且她们无法找到完美伴侣的原因,在于她们就是无法走出自己以前人生中那些深刻恋情。

    And the reason they can 't find the perfect partner is because they just cannot get over the big love of their lives .

  8. 如果你寻觅完美伴侣无果,原因可能深得让你无法想象,深到在地下铁里才能找到。

    If you 've been looking for the perfect partner without success , the answer could be deeper than you realised . Deeper underground that is .

  9. 只要合适,追求者就会接受目前可供选择的对象,尽管他们比理想目标要胖一点儿或者矮一点儿,而不会一直坚持追求完美伴侣。

    Suitors settle for what is on offer now , even if plumper or shorter than the ideal , rather than hold out for the perfect partner .

  10. 他补充说道:“对我来说,她绝不仅仅是个玩具,不仅仅是一块硅橡胶。虽然她需要很多帮助,但仍然是我的完美伴侣,她和我分享了很多宝贵的时光,丰富了我的人生。”

    He added : ' For me , she is more than a doll . Not just a silicon rubber . She needs much help , but still is my perfect partner who shares precious moments with me and enriches my life . '

  11. 这就是TimeCapsule,Leopard的完美系统伴侣。

    So that 's time capsule , a perfect companion to Leopard .

  12. 文件锁定PRO是完美的伴侣,任何一台PC。

    File Lock PRO is the perfect companion to any PC.

  13. 你是我最完美的伴侣而我显然也是你的完美伴侣

    You 're the girl of my dreams and apparently I ' m the man of yours .

  14. 因为你们自己都是出色的人在一起的时候又是完美的伴侣看上去那么亲密

    because you 're just both of you individually great people and together you seem like the perfect couple , seem to be so close

  15. 完美灵魂伴侣的坏处就是可望而不可及,肯定要失败。

    The bad thing about the one perfect soul mate ... is that it 's sounattainable . You 're being set up to fail .

  16. 他说,年龄大一些后,看待事情会更加成熟,也希望有一个更完美的伴侣。

    ' When you get older , you look at things more maturely , and you want a more well-rounded person , ' he says .

  17. 一个单身汉要电脑为他找个完美的伴侣:“我要找一个娇小可爱的、喜爱水上运动又喜欢群体活动的伴侣。”

    A bachelor asked the computer to find him the perfect mate : " I want a companion who is small and cute , loves water sports and enjoys group activities . "

  18. 相较于寻找完美的伴侣,越来越多的女性“刷一刷”来找到一个男人帮她做家务活或者做手工活。

    Rather than seeking the perfect partner , a growing number of women are said to be ' swiping right " to find a man to do their household chores and DIY .

  19. 这把声音为他管理文件、催促他别宅在家里,为他充当着多重角色——助理、安慰、伙伴、救星——却从不抱怨。她是一个完美的伴侣,尽管她只是一个软件。

    The voice organizes his files , gets him out of the house and doesn 't complain about juggling her many roles as his assistant , comfort , helpmate and savior - which makes her an ideal companion even if she 's also just software .

  20. 实用的内部设计使之成为完美的旅行伴侣。

    Its practical interior design makes it the perfect travel companion .

  21. 你是我最完美的人生伴侣

    And I couldn 't ask for a better partner in life .

  22. 双鱼座&双鱼座女性的男性意向是诗人、救世主以及完美的灵魂伴侣。

    Pisces This animus is a poet , savior and consummate soul mate .

  23. 浪漫主义者们或许会说他们在追寻完美的精神伴侣,但是所揭示的真实情况表明爱情其实更加实际。

    Romantic types might say they seek the perfect soul mate but the revealed truth is more prosaic .

  24. 他甚至还诱拐一个10岁大的女孩,将她塑造成一位完美的终身伴侣。

    He enjoys a string of affairs as a young man , even abducting a ten-year-old girl so he can mould her into the perfect life-companion .

  25. 她是您健康人生中最完美的好伴侣,也是帮助您提高生活、工作和学习最尽职,最忠心的健康卫士!

    She is the best companion in your way to health of life and the most loyal guard to ensure your health in life , work and study .

  26. 但是每当到了作出决定的时候,他们就不确定“倒贴上来的”人是否达到了他们“完美”的内心伴侣的标准。

    But when push comes to shove7 , they are never sure that what is being offered matches up to their " perfect " inner vision .

  27. 呃,他们喜爱灵魂伴侣这种想法——寻找、引诱以及整个的梦幻过程。但是每当到了作出决定的时候,他们就不确定“倒贴上来的”人是否达到了他们“完美”的内心伴侣的标准。

    Well they adore the thought of a soul mate , the search , the seduction , the whole dream factory But when push comes to shove7 , they are never sure that what is being offered matches up to their " perfect " inner vision .