
  1. 地域文化下的陕西方言电视栏目剧研究

    The Study of Shanxi Dialect TV Column Plays Based on Regional Culture

  2. 反思与展望:中国电视栏目剧的制作与经营

    Reflections and Prospects : China 's TV Drama Production and Management Section

  3. 并在理论上和实践上对中国电视栏目剧的发展提供了借鉴。

    It has provided theory and experience for the development of Chinese TV column plays .

  4. 电视栏目剧的兴起和走俏,是电视发展的必然。

    TV drama , the rise and popular TV is the necessity of the development .

  5. 大部分栏目剧都取材于本地生活,讲述百姓故事,以贴近生活见长。

    Most of the drama section are based on local life , people tell the story to life known .

  6. 由此可以看出,栏目剧的理论架构急需完善,种种问题亟待解决。

    It can be seen that the theoretical construction of column plays needs immediate improvement and various problems want urgently solving .

  7. 2007年是电视栏目剧的发展年,栏目剧踏上一个快速、无序的发展阶段。

    So 2007 is the development of TV-play , soon later , she stepped into fast , chaotic stage of its development .

  8. 电视栏目剧靠的是真实出现于荧屏,更需要靠真实继续发展下去。

    TV drama is " real " appeared in the screen , more need to rely on " true " to continue .

  9. 电视栏目剧是具有中国鲜明的本土文化特点的一种崭新的电视节目形态。

    The TV play was content : with the distinctive characteristics of Chinese native culture of a kind of new TV program .

  10. 电视栏目剧将栏目与剧进行巧妙嫁接,在近几年火爆荧屏,引起了各方关注。

    Grafting columns and play , column opera got super heated on TV screen in our country and attracted attention in recent years .

  11. 通过分析大量案例可以知道,栏目剧是属于平民百姓的电视叙事文本。

    By employing a large of cases , this master thesis reaches the conclusion that columns show belongs to TV narrative text for plain folks .

  12. 作为一种崭新的电视节目形态,电视栏目剧在中国的发展由盲目扩张逐渐走向成熟和理性。

    As a new form of television programs , TV-play has gone through a blind expansion period , after she gradually become mature and rational .

  13. 而反转剧毕竟属于电视栏目剧,影视艺术手法是使反转剧作为一部作品表现的最直接的方式。

    And , after all , is a television drama series reverse column drama , visual arts and drama is the reverse of a performance as the most direct way .

  14. 目前的电视栏目剧的概念、类型、总体特征、文化语境,以及发展中遇到的问题和解决的方法,本文都做了概括和总结。

    The TV play at the concept , type and general characteristics , cultural context , and developing problems and solving methods , this paper is made in this paper .

  15. 在文章的最后,笔者对陕西方言栏目剧发展进行了反思,预测了其未来发展的走向。

    At the end of this article , the author gives a reflect thinking on the development of Shaanxi dialect TV column plays , and predicts their development trends in the future .

  16. 栏目剧叙事是以剧的方式展现当下百姓的日常生活,呈现出真实的美感。它让大众拥有新的观赏感受,并提供给创作者不同一般的影视剧创作思路。

    It shows the common people live of our time in a drama way , presents the real aesthetic feeling , provides audience with new audio-visual experience and provides general composition ideas .

  17. 特别是近几年来,栏目剧已渐成气候,不仅在全国各地的电视屏幕上处处开花,而且已经作为一种电视文化现象引起了人们的广泛关注。

    Especially in recent years , it begun to pose a real drama program , not only across the national television screens , but also as a television cultural phenomenon cause for concern .

  18. 指出不断的进行创新,走精品化路线,坚持品牌化战略将是陕西方言栏目剧不断向前发展的动力。

    The thesis also points out that continuous innovation , going along the boutique route , and insisting on the brand strategy are the power for the development of Shaanxi dialect TV column plays .

  19. 但是电视栏目剧的概念、属性、定位和生存状态等方面都处于一种模糊不清的状态,学界、业界始终没有提出一个统一、标准的界定。

    But the concept , location and state of survival of Television Programme Play are all in a state of ambiguity , the academia and industry has not put forward a unified , standard definition .

  20. 然后,文章探讨了栏目剧的叙事策略,从叙事侧重哪个方面、如何进行叙事、叙事如何把握时间元素这三个方面逐一展开。

    Secondly , this master thesis investigates the narrative strategy of TV columns opera . It is developed by which aspects to focus , how to narrate , and how to grasp the time elements .

  21. 目前来看栏目剧从制作到传播,从播出效果到群众反映已经出现了不和谐的因素,栏目剧发展进入了一个瓶颈期。

    There are some disharmonious elements occurred in the procedures from program making to transmitting , and from transmitting effects to audiences responses , and the present development of opera program has encountered an obstacle .

  22. 在体验栏目剧带来的文本快乐的同时,本文冷基调思考栏目剧发展可能面临的壁垒以及最具有意义的文化走向。

    While experiencing in the text happiness of Columns Show , the paper soberly deliberates about barriers which Columns Show may meet in the course of development and the most meaningful cultural trend of Columns Show .

  23. 电视栏目剧的产生发展,带有明显的自主创新的痕迹,是中国电视开始立足本土文化特征和受众特点,开发本土电视产品和品牌的标杆性事例。

    The generation and development of TV program play is evidently characteristic of self innovation , which is a milestone for developing the local TV product and brand on the basis of local culture features and audience characters .

  24. 面对如此现状,我们需要对栏目剧这个电视节目的新成员做好重新认真地审视,通过相应地理论研究与实践摸索的有利结合让栏目剧在今后找到一条健康持续的发展之路。

    Faced with such situation , we indeed need to examine the young blood in TV-column plays carefully and earnestly . That theoretical research and practical exploration work together will benefit column plays , making it in a healthy and sustainable development .

  25. 2006年更是被一些业内人士预言为栏目剧年。实际上,栏目剧在我国并不是一个新生事物,它已有数十年的发展时间。

    In 2006 it is predicted by some people in the trade as " column in drama . " In fact , the program plays in our country is not a new thing , it has been for decades the development of the time .

  26. 然而,栏目剧在繁荣发展的背后也出现了一些隐忧,理论建构的欠缺,剧情的平淡、节目的同质、制作的粗糙等问题开始阻碍了栏目剧的健康长足发展。

    However , the hidden worries under the prosperity of column plays , for instance , the shortage of theoretical construction , the prosaic plot , the same style of the programs , and the rough manufacture , are beginning to hinder the healthy and further development of column plays .

  27. 像做电视剧一样做栏目&从《雾都夜话》的成功看方言电视栏目剧之路

    Making Programs As Doing TV Serials & The Way Out for Dialect TV Program from the Success of " Night talks in a City of Fog "