
lán bǎn
  • breast board
栏板[lán bǎn]
  1. 车载雷达天线升降机构液压系统的设计车用后栏板起重装置的运动学分析

    Design of Hydraulic System of Lifting Mechanism for Mobile Radar Antenna

  2. 他在栏板上打洞以便装上横档。

    He was holing the fence posts to take the crosspieces .

  3. 车用后栏板举升机构的计算机辅助动力学分析

    Computer-aided Dynamics Analysis on Lifting Mechanism for Vehicle 's Tail-lift

  4. 后栏板起重运输车后栏板起重机构的优化设计

    Optimum design of tailgate lift mechanism of combination lift vehicle

  5. 自卸车货箱后栏板翻转装置设计改进

    Improvement of Rear Board Turn-device Design in Mine Dump Truck

  6. 自卸车联动式大开度后栏板启闭机构

    Linkage Backboard-Open-and-Closed Mechanism of Big Aperture in Dump Truck

  7. 此外,在按下狮子徽章,打开后栏板。

    In addition , by pressing the lion badge , opens the tailgate .

  8. 车用后栏板起重装置的运动学分析

    Kinematics analysis of lifting mechanism of tail-lift for vehicle

  9. 栏板中部刻有“弘济桥”三个大字。

    Engraved with the central steeplechase " Philip Bridge ," the three characters .

  10. 后栏板起重装置液压控制系统的设计

    Design of Hydraulic Control System of Tail lift Devices

  11. 栏板起重装置的结构与设计

    Structure and Design of Gate Hauling up Devices

  12. 献县单桥栏板动植物装饰图案的民间艺术精神

    The spirit of folk art about Xianxian 's Shan-bridge decorative patterns of animals and plants

  13. 对车用后栏板举升机构进行了运动学和动力学分析。

    Analysis of the lifting mechanism for vehicle tail-lift based on kinematics and dynamics is conducted .

  14. 它觉得背痒,便靠在围栏上,在栏板上磨蹭它的背。

    His back itched , so he leaned against the fence and rubbed against the boards .

  15. 选择开启/关闭自动信号源搜索自卸车联动式大开度后栏板启闭机构

    Select to activate / deactivate automatic source search Linkage Backboard-Open-and-Closed Mechanism of Big Aperture in Dump Truck

  16. 桥面两边的栏板望柱,雕有各种精美图案,刀法苍劲,造型生动。

    On the parapet of the bridge , there are various delicate and vivid pictures and designs .

  17. 为了防止水进入船内而在舱口的周围建的突起的栏板。货舱口围板安装检验

    A raised frame around a hatchway on a ship to keep water out . inspection of hatch coaming

  18. 这座桥横在18个拱洞之上。他在栏板上打洞以便装上横档。

    The bridge rested on 1 8 arches . He was holing the fence posts to take the crosspieces .

  19. 周敦颐:儒学本体论思维向度的开启者自卸车联动式大开度后栏板启闭机构

    Zhou Dun-yi : On the Ontological Entrance of the Classical Confucianism ; Linkage Backboard-Open-and-Closed Mechanism of Big Aperture in Dump Truck

  20. 敞篷联运集装箱,带铰接底或铰接侧栏板,用于运输散煤、矿石、砖、瓦等货物

    Container , intermodal , open with hinged bottoms or sides for bulk transport of coal , ores , bricks , tiles ect

  21. 然后,把栏板从围栏上抽掉了,那里就有了很大的一个洞,可以让威尔伯穿过。

    Then he pulled the loose board away from the fence , so that there was a wide hole for Wilbur to walk through .

  22. 本文针对栏板的高度安全性、档光问题进行了分析,提出了设计阳台栏板所考虑的影响因素及解决方法。

    This paper analyzes the problems of safety and keep off light in veranda fence , and brings upped the influence factor considering and solution method to design veranda fence .

  23. 晨光公司主要产品:各种规格板材、仿古石、亚光、广场块石、台阶石、路边石、墙壁石、栏板石等十大系列300余种产品。

    The main products : various kinds of regular slabs , tumbled stones , honed stones , square tiles , sidestep stone , kerb stones , wall tiles , slates and etc.

  24. 在选取新材料、新工艺的基础上,进行了汽车运送伤员附加装置总体结构设计、担架固定装置设计、隔振设计、车厢栏板卡固装置设计、人机工效参数设计等。

    Based on new material and technic , the design of general structure , stretcher fixture , vibration isolation , carriage baffle fixture , ergonomical parameters selection for a new kind of stretcher suspension named added equipment for transporting the wounded on the truck is carried out .