
  1. 可能她们不完全是你期待的那样,但是真的很有趣。

    They may not be altogether what you expected-yet great fun !

  2. 做自己的主角独自旅行时,旅程完全是你一个人的。

    When you travel alone , the trip is completely yours .

  3. 我看这完全是你为人有缺点。

    Now this can only happen by some defect in your conduct .

  4. 可这完全是你需要爱、接受自己的时候。

    That is exactly when you need to love and accept yourself .

  5. 别向我诉苦,这次的失利完全是你的过错。

    Don 't cry on my shoulder-this failure is all your fault .

  6. 他反驳说:“这完全是你的错误。”

    He retorted ," it 's entirely your fault . "

  7. 这完全是你力所能及的工作。

    This is a task well within your ability .

  8. 我的心是你的,而且已经完全是你的了。

    My heart is and has been wholly yours .

  9. 这完全是你的选择是否开办一个聚氨酯丙烯酸酯或不是。

    It is completely your choice whether to run a PUA or not .

  10. 至于你是否乐意学习,则完全是你自己的选择。

    Whether you choose to learn them or not is entirely up to you .

  11. 那完全是你母亲的主意。

    That was completely your mother 's idea .

  12. 亚历克斯:那完全是你的胡思乱想,嗯?

    Alex : Melman , you know it 's all in your head . Hm ?

  13. 这些完全是你做的。

    They were entirely of your doing .

  14. “剪,剪,剪”,完全是你能想到的最细微的恐怖电影配音。

    " Clip , clip , clip . " The most subtle horror movie soundtrack ever conceived .

  15. 你爸爸现在正接受单位的调查,这完全是你造成的!

    Your father 's now facing an enquiry at work , and it 's entirely your fault !

  16. 问题大了马特因为你所谓的更进一步完全是你一个人的预想

    Well , big problem , Matt , Because you took the next step all by yourself ,

  17. 为此之故,你所看到的一切,对你所具的意义,完全是你自己赋予的。

    It is the reason why you have given everything you see all the meaning that it has for you .

  18. 你在面试时谈妥的薪水是多少,以及是否接受公司提供的薪水,完全是你自己的事。

    It is entirely in your own making what salary you negotiate at your interview and whether to accept the pay offered .

  19. 不过,即便你的进修学习完全是你自己的主意,让你的老板知道你的学习计划和目标也是十分有益的。

    However , even if you are advancing your education under your own initiative then its still worth letting your employer know about your plans and goals .

  20. 毕竟,如果你是为了取悦他人的审美观点的话,你将会以不舒适或者不完全是你自己的这种感觉告终。

    After all , if you dress to please somebody else 's idea of what looks good , you may end up feeling uncomfortable and not quite yourself .

  21. 这完全是你在更高的真理教育的一部分,您将需要知道明白谁和你真正在你们的关系是造物主。

    It is all part of your education in the higher truths , that you will need to know to understand who and what you truly are in your relationship to the Creator .

  22. 不完全是你的父亲选中了我这样你就不会重蹈覆辙雇用助理只为和她睡觉

    B : Uh , no , not exactly.Your father picked me precisely so that you wouldn 't do what you always do , which is hire an assistant that you want to sleep with .

  23. 但是有一点你可以确信无疑,即你将有缘见识你所注定要学的知识和经验;至于你是否乐意学习,则完全是你自己的选择。

    The only thing you can count on for certain is that you will be presented with all the lessons that you specifically need to learn ; whether you choose to learn them or not is entirely up to you .

  24. 这个错误完全是由于你的过失造成的。

    The mistake was made mainly through your fault .

  25. 这完全都是你所选择的梦想,至爱的人类。

    It is all in the dreams that one chooses beloved .

  26. 我想《魔力玩具盒》完全是为你创作的。

    I think The Last Mimzy is just made for you .

  27. 完全是对你年龄的担心。

    It is simply I 've been worried about your age .

  28. 你的成轼完全是由于你自己的勤奋。

    Your success was due to nothing else than your own diligence .

  29. 完全是因为你光顾着看小女孩了

    if you weren 't staring at that little girl .

  30. 这么说你参军也不完全是被你爸爸逼的?

    So you weren 't dragged into the army solely by yourfather ?