
ɡū jì cuò wù
  • Estimation error;miscalculate
  1. 分析表明,通道增益不一致不会造成DOA估计错误,而通道时延的不一致将造成DOA估计错误;

    The analysis indicates that the channel gain uncertainty does not cause the estimation error , but the channel delay uncertainty brings the estimation error .

  2. 并在此基础上构成的一种新的MMSE检测器,该检测器具有良好的误码率和抗远-近能力,结构简单,计算复杂度低,而且对信号子空间维数大小估计错误时并不敏感。

    MMSE detector is built on this basis , which possesses excellent function of " wrong code rate " and distance changing resistant ability as well as simpler structure , less complicated calculation and insensitivity to the numbers of signal subspace .

  3. 我对小河的宽度估计错误,结果掉进河里了

    I misjudge how wide the stream is and fell in .

  4. 信号数目估计错误的最大似然波达方向估计的性能分析

    Performance Analysis of ML DOA Estimate with Incorrect Signal Number

  5. 进一步分析了信道估计错误对多用户检测器的影响。

    We further analyze the effect of channel estimation error on multiuser detection .

  6. 她对形势估计错误。

    She did not view the situation right .

  7. 万一估计错误将会发生什么情况?

    What would happen in case of miscalculation ?

  8. 大量工厂迁移内地,导致用电量估计错误。

    The forecasts proved wrong because of the massive shift of factories to the mainland .

  9. 为了弥补这种估计错误,可以创建和准备一个统计视图,并像下面这样加以利用

    To compensate for the estimation error , a statistical view can be created and readied for exploitation as follow

  10. 如果估计错误,股价反而下跌了,你将会蒙受损失。

    However , if you are wrong , and the share price falls instead , you would have suffered a loss .

  11. 现在把小家庭农场当作美国未来的一件大事,看来是估计错误了。

    To count on the small family farm as an important thing in the American future now looks like betting on the wrong horse .

  12. 哎唷喂呀~我估计错误!我以为今年洋基队有王建民就可以赢得世界大赛。

    Oh man , I bet on the wrong horse ! I thought Yankees was going to win the world series with Wang around .

  13. 传统信任模型直接把收集到的反馈进行运算,而不辨别反馈者的可信性,可能会导致信任估计错误。

    At last , the conventional trust model calculated the collecting feedback directly without considering the creditability of their providers , which could lead to incorrect trust value .

  14. 另一方面,胎儿体重估计错误,可能导致肩难产、臂丛神经损伤及新生儿窒息等严重并发症的发生。

    In the other hand , the inaccurate prediction for fetal weight will induce some serious complications , such as dystocia 、 brachial plexus injury and neonatal asphyxia .

  15. 估计错误率的主要方法有蒙特卡罗仿真法、重要采样法、以及错误率界等等。

    The main methods to estimate the error rate include Monte Carlo simulation , important sampling method , and the bound of error rate , and so on .

  16. 他以为自己的英语水平中以翻译那个短篇小说,但动笔不久,便发现对自己的估计错误了。

    He thought his English was good enough to translate that short story , but soon after he began , he found he had bitten off more than he could chew .

  17. 本文在解读有关文献的基础上,讨论了估计错误计数人数和遗漏人数的途径、数据准备以及抽样估计的有关问题。

    This article discusses some issues on the way to estimate erroneous inclusions and omissions , data preparation , and sampling measurement on the basis of the interpretation of the related literatures .

  18. 文中还进一步仿真分析了信道估计错误对检测器的影响,发现对于较大的信道估计错误,多用户检测器比单用户检测器更敏感。

    Further analyzing the effect of channel estimation error on the detectors , it is found that the multiuser detector is more sensitive to big estimation error than the single user detector .

  19. 但是由于激光散斑噪声的存在,使得象斑强度中心与象斑几何中心不再重合,导致对物体空间深度和位置的估计错误。

    With the influence of laser speckle noise , the image spot intensity center cannot overlap with image spot geometric center . This leads to a false estimation of the spatial depth and position of object .

  20. 班戈大学海洋科学学院的劳尔·巴特勒教授说:“我们一开始就估计错误,也许我们当时发表自己的研究成果过于仓促了。但是现在我们能完全确定、我们估算出了它的准确年龄。”

    Dr Paul Butler , from the University 's School of Ocean Sciences , said : " We got it wrong the first time and maybe we were a bit hasty publishing our findings back then . But we are absolutely certain that we 've got the right age now . "

  21. 克丽斯对形势的估计完全错误,表现得很不得体。

    Chris totally misjudged the situation and behaved quite inappropriately .

  22. 城市供水管网系统的快速状态估计及错误参数的识别和纠正

    The Fast State Estimation and Wrong Data Detection and Correction of an Urban Water Supply Network System

  23. 针对因信道错误引起的数据丢失而造成的整帧图像丢失的情况,提出了基于运动矢量估计的错误掩盖算法。

    An error concealment algorithm based on motion vector estimation was proposed for whole frame loss caused by a channel error .

  24. 此外,在该算法中,运用了判决域半径来估计译码错误概率,并确定收敛参数。

    In addition , we can evaluate the decoding error probability and choose the threshold parameter by using the radius of decision region .

  25. 联合基于混淆网络的和支持向量机的后验概率估计进行错误纠正,实验结果表明该方法能够有效提高系统的准确率。

    The posterior estimate of SVM and SCN is combined to get the confidence score for fixing recognition error . Experimental results show that the proposed approach can improve the recognition accuracy effectively .

  26. 但我们的敌人是落后的腐朽的反动派,他们是注定要灭亡的,他们不懂得客观世界的规律,他们用以想事的方法是主观主义的和形而上学的方法,因此他们的估计总是错误的。

    But , being backward and decadent reactionaries , our enemies are doomed ; they are ignorant of the laws of the objective world , are subjective and metaphysical in their thinking , and thus are invariably wrong in their judgments .

  27. Logistic方程参数估计中的错误与修正

    An Error in Estimation of the Parameters for Logistic Equation and its Correction

  28. 完善的参数估计包括参数错误辨识和估计。

    The perfect parameter estimation includes parameter errors identification and estimation .

  29. 最小信息损失状态估计在拓扑错误辨识中的应用

    Application of minimum information loss based state estimation to topology error identification

  30. 他的估计完全是错误的。

    His estimate was completely wrong .