
  1. CBO首批商业合作伙伴名单里,中国移动、太平洋保险、摩腾、特步、红牛等著名品牌赫然在列。

    The first business partners of CBO include China Mobile , Pacific Insurance , Molten , Xtep , Red Bull and other famous brands .

  2. 2005年,特步率先抢占CBO首批商务合作伙伴地位,继续坚定篮球领域深度推广战略,人群体验向草根化、精细化发展。

    In2005 , Xtep firstly became the business partner of CBO , insisted on the promotion strategy in basketball area , and launched much precise and public development of basketball fans'experience .

  3. 无路可走,那就颠覆一切重新开始。特步,走出不一样的人生。

    Nowhere to go , it would subvert a fresh start.X-power to go a different life .

  4. 最近,林书豪在广州举行的新闻发布会上宣布,自己将担任中国运动品牌特步的品牌大使。

    He was recently in a press conference in Guangzhou to announce his brand ambassador role for Chinese sportswear Xtep .

  5. 但这些外国公司面临着中国众多体育品牌如安踏、特步和361°等的强有力竞争。这些中国公司的股价去年飙升幅度介于34-56%。

    But they face a strong field of Chinese rivals such as Anta , Xtep and 361 Degrees whose share prices soared between 34 percent and 56 percent last year .