
  • 网络Special Wild Economic Animal and Plant Research
  1. 也为将来关于阿坝州旅游土特产的研究作了理论铺垫。

    Also for the future of Aba tourism products research made a theoretical groundwork .

  2. 本研究以阿坝州区域形象为研究背景,以阿坝州旅游土特产为研究对象。

    Based on regional image as the research background , the Aba tourism products as the research object .

  3. 唐代西南、江南地区土特产比较研究美国西南部和墨西哥地区的唐纳雀。

    To Comparative Research the Local Products of Southwest , the South Area of Yangzi River in Dynasty Tang ; common tanager of southwestern United States and Mexico .

  4. 东北特产辐照保鲜技术研究

    Research of Irradiation Sterilization of Northeast Local product

  5. 特产的原产地形象研究:缘起、理论基础和方向

    Research on Country-of-Origin Image of Special Local Products : Genesis , Theory Foundation and Directions