
  • 网络Delta E;Delta-E;NBS;Color difference
  1. 中国画颜料老化色差值分析

    Analysis on Color Difference of Chinese Pigments in Aging Conditions

  2. 低温下冷藏,分别对马铃薯进行褐变度、色差值、多酚氧化酶活性及感官色泽测定。

    The effect of preventing browning degree for fresh-cut potato during cold storage were compared through testing browning degree , color difference , the polyphenol oxidize the enzyme activity and visual color .

  3. 保鲜效果的考察指标主要有:色差值、pH值、菌落总数、H2S试验和感官评定,单指标分别进行比较,综合评价保鲜的效果。

    The parameters about the effect of preservation include color difference value , pH value , total microorganism count , cooking loss , H2S experiment and organoleptic evaluation . The overall evaluation of the effect of preservation was obtained after single factor test was compared .

  4. 方法:测定80℃热固化,固化时间90min与室温固化23℃,固化时间24h两组油画颜料着色的硅橡胶试样的色度值(Lab),并计算试样间的色差值(ΔE)。

    Method : To measure the chroma value ( Lab ) of two groups of silicone elastomer samples colored by oil paint : heating vulcanized at 80 ℃, 90 minutes and room temperature vulcanized at 23 ℃, 24 hours , and calculate Δ E value between the samples .

  5. 色差值聚类结果与防风样品的种植方式相一致,并与防风样品的粉末颜色相关。

    Cropping patterns color values clustering results are consistent with the Fangfeng samples and Fangfeng associated with powder color samples . 8 .

  6. 叠印顺序对油墨色彩的影响很小,平均色差值都在3以下,油墨具有良好的叠印特性。

    But in general the color sequence has little impact on color reproduction . The average color deviation is below 3 , which proves that ink has a good trapping characteristics .

  7. 通过软件对测量数据的处理分析,对不同光源、灯具类型对古建筑油饰、彩画的色差值进行计算了和比较分析,得到了不同颜色试块所选用灯具类型的优先顺序。

    Through statistical analysis of the experimental data by software , Color Difference Value of traditional decorative paintings of ancient buildings were calculated and comparative analyzed by using different lighting sources to obtain priority order of luminaries for respective color blocks .

  8. 结果以镍铬合金与贵金属合金为基底的瓷修复体遮色瓷厚度为03mm时可以完全遮住底色,色差值小于15NBS;

    Results For the restoration based on Ni-Cr and precious alloys , the color of restorations was not affected by the color of metal bases as the thickness of opaque reached 0.3 mm , and the chromatic value Δ E < 1.5 NBS .

  9. 本文讨论了视场、色空间和标准照明体对色差计算值的影响,建议了一种镀膜玻璃色差的计算方法。

    This paper discussed the effect of visual field , colour space and standard illuminants on the calculated value of colour difference of the glass are also analyzed .

  10. 分析表明GRIN棒的轴向色差评价函数值约为06~07%。

    Analysis indicates that the axial chromatic aberration evaluation function of the GRIN rod is approximately 0.6 ~ 0.7 % .

  11. 对于目镜中需要重点校正的像散和垂轴色差的最大值分别为0.58mm和18μm,而最大畸变也仅为3.3%;

    For the image quality , the astigmatic and lateral color of the key aberrations of eyepiece are 0.58 mm and 18 μ m , and the distortion is only 3.3 % .

  12. CMC色差公式计算的色差值较符合人的目光评定。

    The value of color difference calculated by CMC color difference formula is more coincident with visual assessment .

  13. 由于不同色差公式计算的色差值是不同的,运用不同的色差公式计算图像色差达到的效果也有差异。

    Results from different color difference formulas are different .