
  • 网络Pigmented villonodular synovitis;pVNs;pigmented villonodular synovitis pvns
  1. 前言:目的:分析膝关节色素沉着绒毛结节性滑膜炎(PVNS)的MRI影像表现,提高对本病的认识。

    Objective : To evaluate the MRI representations of pigmented villonodular synovitis ( PVNS ) of the knee joint , and increase the recognition of the disease .

  2. 关节镜诊治膝关节色素沉着绒毛结节性滑膜炎的初步疗效观察

    Effect of Arthroscopy to Diagnose and Treat Knee Joint Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis

  3. MRI影像学特征对膝关节色素沉着绒毛结节性滑膜炎的评价

    MRI evaluation of pigmented villonodular synovitis in the knee joint

  4. 关节镜下治疗膝关节弥漫性色素沉着绒毛结节性滑膜炎的疗效分析

    Arthroscopic synovectomy for diffused pigmented villonodular synovitis of the knee

  5. 结论:①膝关节正常结构改变可导致色素沉着绒毛结节性滑膜炎。

    Conclusion : ① The knee joint structural change can result in PVS .

  6. 膝关节色素沉着绒毛结节性滑膜炎的关节镜治疗探讨

    Investigation of arthroscopic treatment in knee pigmented villonodular synovitis

  7. 局限性色素沉着绒毛结节性滑膜炎6例诊断与治疗

    The diagnosis and treatment of localized pigmented villonodular synovitis

  8. 方法:12例膝关节弥漫性色素沉着绒毛结节性滑膜炎行滑膜切除术。

    Method : Twelve patients of knee joint diffuse PVS were teated by synovectomy .

  9. 膝关节结构改变并弥漫性色素沉着绒毛结节性滑膜炎12例分析

    Diffuse pigmented villonodular synovitis after knee joint structural change : Analysis of 12 cases

  10. 色素沉着绒毛结节性滑膜炎诊断与治疗&附11例临床报道

    The Diagnosis and Treatment of Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis & A Clinical Report of 11 Cases

  11. 手术加放射治疗色素沉着绒毛结节性滑膜炎15例报道

    Surgery plus radiotherapy in the treatment of pigmented villonodular synovitis & report of 15 cases

  12. 目的:探讨关节镜下诊治膝关节弥漫型色素沉着绒毛结节性滑膜炎的方法及疗效。

    Objective : To explore the treatment technique of pigmented villonodular synovitis ( PVNS ) of the knee under arthroscopy and evaluate its results .

  13. 结果:髋关节色素沉着绒毛结节性滑膜炎以青年女性多见,多有外伤史,病程长,症状进行性加重,关节功能多无明显受限,易出现骨关节破坏。

    Results : Most of the patients are youth female , with trauma history , longer course , progressive severity symptom . The function of hip joint is approximate normal .