
  • 网络tuberculosis of hip joint;tuberculosis of the hip joint;coxotuberculosis
  1. 小儿髋关节结核X线诊断

    X-ray Diagnosis of Tuberculosis of Hip Joint in Children

  2. 目的:研究小儿髋关节结核X线表现,探讨小儿髋关节结核X线诊断和鉴别诊断要点。

    Objectives : To study the X_ray manifestation of tuberculosis of hip joint ( THJ ) in children and to explore the main points of the X_ray feature of THJ in diagnosis and differential diagnosis .

  3. 全髋关节置换治疗晚期成人髋关节结核

    Total hip replacement for adult late stage tuberculosis of hip

  4. 人工关节置换治疗成人髋关节结核的初步探讨

    Preliminary Study of One Stage Total Hip Replacement for Adult Tuberculosis of Hip

  5. 髋关节结核致短肢畸形继发骨盆倾斜的手术治疗

    Operative Treatment of the Pelvic Obliquity Secondary to Leg Length Inequality Deformity due to Tuberculosis

  6. 有资料表明股骨头缺血性坏死已取代了原髋关节结核的位置,居髋关节疾病的首位。

    Some data indicates that ONFH has replaced the hip tuberculosis as the first place in hip diseases .

  7. 结论髋关节结核选择良好的手术时机,可行人工关节置换。

    Conclusions Hip tuberculosis could be successfully treated by prosthesis replacement when the surgery delivered at suitable time .

  8. 目的观察骨外固定术治疗髋关节结核的作用。

    Objective To observe the role of external fixation for hip arthrodesis in the treatment of hip tuberculoses .

  9. 髋关节结核关节面广泛骨质破坏,可见到小死骨和寒性脓疡;

    Tuberculosis of the hip joint showed widely destruction in the articular surface , small dead bone and cold abscess visible ;

  10. 目的探讨带阔筋膜张肌蒂胫骨骨膜移植术修复骨关节软骨缺损及骨不连。方法对4例髋关节结核行病灶清除而有软骨缺损;

    Objective To investigate the reparation of articular cartilage defect and nonunion by tibial periosteal transplantation with tensor fasciae latae muscle .

  11. 方法1986~1997年间收治髋关节结核30例,26例行全髋关节置换、4例单纯股骨头置换,并进行长期随访。

    Methods 30 patients with hip tuberculosis were admitted during 1986 to 1997 and 26 underwent total hip replacement and 4 underwent hemi-hip prosthesis replacement .

  12. 因此本研究拟在前期研究的基础上,通过假体材料表面结核菌粘附力和围手术期治疗方法等研究,为活动期髋关节结核患者行一期人工全髋关节置换术的治疗提供临床依据。

    Therefore the study based on the previous studies , and through the would provide clinical evidence to study session hip tuberculosis patients by the surface tuberculosis bacterium adhesion force and period operative treatment .