- 网络iliacus;muscles of hip;Hip muscles

On the Functions of Muscle Clusters of Extending Hip on Swing Leg in Flop
Musculus Rectus Abdominis Transposition to Reconstruct the Function of the Flexor of the Hip : Report of 78 cases
37 cases of complications of abdominal muscles transfer for restoring the functions of gluteus muscle , the flexion of hip , and / or quadriceps femoris were reported .
Conclusion : It is very important to restore femoral offset in THA . This can increase the abductor lever arm and improve hip abductor strength to get soft tissue balancing and hip stability .
This is the phenomenon of so-called function compensation of muscle in hip joint .
The observed patients group were treated with resistance training of knee extensor , and flexors including hip abductor and adductor during convalescence .
One of the function characters of muscle in the hip joint is that the value for the bogus arm of the muscular force is zero .
The Quantitative Analysis Research of the Muscles Function Characteristics in Hip Joint & The Proposition and Application of the concepts of " the muscular function conversion angle " and " the muscle function compensation "
The following muscle groups may need to be stretched : low back extensors , lumbar rotators , lumbar lateral flexors , hip adductors , hip abductors , hip rotators , hip flexors and hamstrings .
Muscular tension : It was obviously decreased in the rehabilitative group than that in the control group , except hip adductor , they were decreased to normal range ( P < 0.05 or 0.01 ) .
And there were significant differences in the decrease of the muscular tension and the hip adductor tension as the treatment group compared with the routine acupuncture group , the medication group ( P < 0.05 ) .
The flexion and extention muscle groups of the hip are the dynamic force producer in the body 's horizontal acceleration , and the early part of the supporting phase is the important dynamic stage for the body 's horizontal acceleration .
Strengthening exercise of hip muscles should be encouraged in addition to ADL training .
The result shows that the high jump performance relates to the hip flexion , extension torque , knee extension torque and ankle plantar flexion torque .
The elderly are tend to flex hip joint more and use hip extensor muscle to propel the body forward .
This internal dynamic power derives from the flexibility of the hip and the extension ability of the powerful contraction and harmony of the flexion muscle and the extension musele which control the hip .