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  • 网络pectineus;pectineus muscle;M. pectineus
  1. 腰肌和耻骨肌使骨盆轻微前倾。

    The psoas and pectineus tilt the hip slightly forward .

  2. 腰肌与耻骨肌、股直肌和缝匠肌协作,使直腿一侧髋部折叠。

    The psoas conspires with the pectineus , rectus femoris and Sartorius muscles to bend the straight leg hip .

  3. 耻骨肌纤维组织瘤样增生1例报告

    One Case : Tumor-like Hyperplasia of Fibrous Tissue of Pectineal Muscle

  4. 结果:耻骨肌由股神经支配占97.2%,由闭孔神经支配占2.8%;

    Results : As for pectineus , 97.2 % of its innervation comes from femoral nerve while the rest 2.8 % roots in obturator nerve .

  5. 在解剖基准位,髂腰肌、耻骨肌、长收肌、短收肌、大收肌下部对髋关节有旋内功能;

    At standard anatomic attitude , the iliopsoas , pectineus , adductor longus , adductor brevis , lower part of adductor magnus have the function of inside-revolve to hip joint and gracilis has outside-revolve function .

  6. 深藏在盆腔的腰肌和耻骨肌(位于大腿前侧上锻)共同协作,将站立腿的臀部弯曲形成直角。

    The psoas muscle , deep in the hip , combines with the pectineus , at the top and front of the thigh ; together they bend the hip at a right angle to the standing leg .

  7. 旋股内侧动脉自股深动脉发出,穿经耻骨肌和髂腰肌之间,至闭孔外肌下缘附近,分支至邻近的肌肉。

    Medial femoral artery is issued from the deep femoral artery , and wear through the pubic bone between the muscles and the iliopsoas muscle to the obturator muscle edge near the branch to the . adjacent muscles .

  8. 目的利用CT了解术前患儿的耻骨直肠肌、括约肌的形态变化,并寻找评价该肌肉的发育指标及其价值。

    Objective This study aims to correlate the morphological changes of puborectalis and anal sphincter with the level of rectal blind end in patients with anorectal anomalies .

  9. 目的探讨排粪造影、CT和磁共振成像(MRI)在耻骨直肠肌综合征(PRS)的诊断价值及局限性。

    Objective To discuss the clinical value and application range of defecography , CT and MRI in diagnosis of puborectalis syndrome ( PRS ) .

  10. 目的:了解分娩对妇女盆底肌肉强度的影响,以及妇女产后耻骨尾骨肌(PC肌)强度的影响因素,及产后生殖保健服务中盆肌锻炼情况。

    Objective : To investigate the impact of childbirth on pubococcygeal muscle of primiparous women in China , understand factors associated with pubococcygeal muscle , and investigate the muscular training in postpartum health care .

  11. 对照组分别采用Block修补术、PPH手术、耻骨直肠肌部分切除术等西医手术方法,术后统一使用果导片。

    Block surgical control group , respectively , PPH surgery , resection of puborectalis part of the surgical methods such as Western medicine , the use of fruit after a unified guide sheet .

  12. 目的寻求一种治疗耻骨直肠肌综合征(PCMS)引起的出口梗阻性便秘的简单安全中西医结合外科手术方法。

    Objective To seek a simple rapid and secure combined Chinese - Western surgical method to relieve constipation caused by hypertrophy of PCMS .

  13. 目的观察耻骨直肠肌部分切除术的治疗效果。

    Objective To observe the effects of partial excision of muscoli puborectalis .

  14. 会阴耻骨直肠肌悬吊术治疗排便失禁:一项初步报道

    Perineal puborectalis sling operation for fecal incontinence : Preliminary report

  15. 结论:排粪造影可为诊断耻骨直肠肌综合征提供最为客观的主要诊断依据。

    Conclusion : Defecography is an important mean in diagnosis of puborectalis syndrome .

  16. 耻骨直肠肌综合征的排粪造影诊断(附86例分析)

    The diagnosis of puborectalis syndrome in defecography ( analyisis of 86 cases )

  17. 先天性肛门直肠畸形耻骨直肠肌、括约肌形态发育的探讨

    Morphological Study of Puborectalis and Anal Sphincter in Anorectal Anomaly with Computerized Tomography

  18. 直肠前突修补加耻骨直肠肌切断术增加治愈串的研究;

    This paper introduces the surgical procedures of a standard operation for rectocele repair ;

  19. 挂线疗法治疗耻骨直肠肌综合征32例

    Thread-Drawing Method for 32 Cases of Puborectal Syndrome

  20. 目的:探讨耻骨直肠肌综合征排粪造影的X线征象和临床应用价值。

    Objective : To evaluate the clinical application of defecography in diagnosis of puborectalis syndrome .

  21. 用肠片及耻骨直肠肌重建肛管括约肌的临床研究

    Clinic study of the anal sphicter reconstruction using a piece of intestinal wall and puborectalis muscle

  22. 耻骨直肠肌部分切除治疗耻骨直肠肌综合征149例

    Treatment of Musculi Puborectalis Syndrome with Partial Excision of Musculi Puborectalis : Analysis in 149 Cases

  23. 比较不同影像学方法对耻骨直肠肌综合征患者功能障碍的评估价值

    Value of different imaging methods in the assessment of abnormal function in patients with puborectalis syndrome

  24. 髂尾肌主要承担支持功能,而耻骨直肠肌具有括约肌功能。

    The iliococcygeus has a mainly supportive function , whereas the puborectalis has a sphincteric function .

  25. 耻骨直肠肌综合征的影像学诊断及临床意义耻骨直肠肌综合征的排粪造影诊断(附86例分析)

    Image analysis of puborectalis syndrome and its clinical significance The diagnosis of puborectalis syndrome in defecography ( analyisis of 86 cases )

  26. 本文对102例耻骨直肠肌综合征的患者均检查耻骨直肠肌及肛门内、外括约肌共306块肌肉,检测6120个运动单位。

    Three hundred and six pieces of puborectal and anal sphincter muscles and 6120 motor units were studied in 102 patients with puborectalis syndrome .

  27. 耻骨直肠肌并非单一肌袢,其会阴体部、肌袢部及联合纵肌部共同牵拉作用于肛管,分别与肛管直肠前、后角的形成和维持有关。

    The puborectal muscle is not a single muscle ansa , and the tractive functions of different parts of the muscle act on the anal canal , which is related to the formation and maintenance of anterior and posterior horns of the anal canal .

  28. 对42例直肠下段癌病人施行了腹会阴切除术,30例用游离肠片及耻骨直肠肌重建肛管括约肌,7例用臀大肌,5例用翻卷式。

    In this paper , studied reconstruct anal sphicter with three methods after resecting the lower rectal cancer through abdominoperineal for 42 patients . 30 patients using a piece of intestinal wall and puborectalis muscle , 7 patients using the gluteus maximus muscle and 5 patients with rolling method .