
gǔ bó jī
  • gracilis
股薄肌[gǔ bó jī]
  1. 股薄肌移植中营养血管的应用解剖学研究

    A Research into Applied Anatomy on the Nutrient Vessel in Transplanting Gracilis

  2. 股薄肌和半腱肌移位修复膝内侧副韧带损伤

    Gracilis and semitendinous transfer to repair the medial collateral ligament injury of knee

  3. 股薄肌营养血管和神经的研究

    Study on the Nutrient Vessels and Nerve of the Gracilis Muscle

  4. 股薄肌的血管和神经供给&肌肉血管神经供给研究之二

    The blood supply and nerve innervation of the gracilis muscle

  5. 股薄肌皮瓣游离移植术(5例临床报告)

    Transfer of free gracilis-muscle-skin flap ( a report of 5 cases )

  6. 以节段性肌肉移植为目的的股薄肌应用解剖

    Applied anatomy of gracilis muscle based on segmental muscle transplantation

  7. 对照组:切断支配右侧股薄肌的闭孔神经,造成肌肉失神经支配;

    In control group , obturator nerve controlling right gracilis was cut off .

  8. 结果对照组股薄肌呈失神经电位;

    Results The potential without control of the nerve existed in control group .

  9. 股薄肌带蒂皮瓣修复小腿远端软组织缺损

    Repair of soft tissue defect in distal termination of leg by gracile myocutaneous pedicled flaps

  10. 入肌部位在股薄肌中上1/3交界处前缘深面。

    The junction point of vessel was at 1 / 3 deep into gracilis muscle .

  11. 双重股薄肌移植重建全臂丛根性撕脱伤后手握持功能

    Functional reconstruction of hand prehension after complete root avulsion of brachial plexus by double gracilis transplantations

  12. 目的为臂丛神经损伤行游离股薄肌移植术提供形态学依据。

    Objective To provide morphological basis for free gracilis muscle transplantation to manage brachial plexus injuries .

  13. 关节镜下保留止点半腱肌及股薄肌肌腱重建前交叉韧带

    Arthroscopic reconstruction of anterior cruciate ligament with semitendinosus muscle tendon and gracilis muscle tendon of keeping insertion

  14. 1例陈旧性损伤用股薄肌重建膝内侧副韧带。

    Case of old injury had reconstruction operation of medial accessory ligament of knee joint with gracilis .

  15. 带血管神经蒂股薄肌瓣重建尿道括约肌的应用解剖

    Applied anatomy of the gracilis flap pedicled with vessels and nerves for the reconstruction of sphincter of urethra

  16. 全臂丛根性撕脱伤后神经移位联合早期股薄肌移植重建术

    Reconstruction after complete root avulsion of brachial plexus by nerve transfer combined with gracilis transplantation at early stage

  17. 股薄肌移植术若手术成功,功能恢复亦称满意。

    Under circumstance of success of transplantation of the gracilis muscle satisfactory restoration of anal function is always possible .

  18. 股薄肌皮瓣转移修复女性外阴恶性肿瘤根治术后的组织缺损

    Transfer of gracilis muscle skin flap to repair defective tissues of female vulva after radical operation of malignant tumour

  19. 直肠癌切除术后股薄肌移植肛门原位重建远期疗效

    The Forward Curative Effect of Transplanting and Original Anus Reconstructing after the Resection of the Carcinoma of the Rectum

  20. 结果术后肛门功能恢复情况,以低位前切除术最佳,股薄肌移植术若手术成功,功能恢复亦称满意。

    Under circumstance of success of trans-plantation of the gracilis muscle , satisfactory resection and function were always possible .

  21. 关节镜下半腱肌和股薄肌双束重建前交叉韧带后膝关节本体感觉的功能评定

    Functional assessment of knee joint position sense after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using double-bundle semitendinosus and gracilis under arthroscopy

  22. 术后25周,采用神经肌电图仪收集各组的神经电生理信息,观察股薄肌大体形态并测量肌湿重。

    After 25 weeks , the neurophysiological information was collected through electromyography and the weight of the muscle was measured .

  23. 结论神经压榨股薄肌转移代肛门外括约肌重建术治疗大便失禁是一种较为有效的方法。

    Conclusion The rebuilding operation of external anal sphincter with gracilis graft is an effective method to treat fecal incontinence .

  24. 股薄肌皮瓣因其并发症少且感染率低,被广泛地运用在各种重建手术。

    Gracilis muscle flap is widely used in various reconstruction in regarding to the donor site deformity and bacterial resistance .

  25. 目的探讨关节镜下采用双股半腱肌、股薄肌、微孔钢板同时重建损伤的前、后十字韧带的应用价值。

    Objective To discuss the application value of semitendinosus and gracilis reconstruction of anterior and posterior cruciate ligament with arthroscope .

  26. 目的对股薄肌的主次血管蒂进行显微解剖,为节段性移植提供参考。

    Objective The microsurgical anatomy of gracilis muscle and its vascular pedicles were investigated to provide data for segmental muscle transplantation .

  27. 背景:该项研究目的在于回顾使用股薄肌介植治疗复杂会阴区瘘的经验。

    Background : The aim of this study was to review our experience with gracilis muscle interposition for complex perineal fistulas .

  28. 对照组股薄肌萎缩明显,肌湿重为158.0±19.3mg;

    The atrophy of gracilis was dominant in control group , the weight of the muscle was 158.0 ± 19.3 mg .

  29. 目的:为带血管蒂股薄肌瓣转位修补会阴缺损提供解剖学基础。

    Objective : To provide the anatomic basis for transposition of pedicled gracile muscle flap for repairing the injury of perineum .

  30. 实验组伤后3天,用吻合血管的股薄肌游离皮瓣修复创面;

    The experimental group were repaired by the free flap of the musculus gracilis with anastomosis of blood vessel 3 days later .