
  • 网络Return on Equity;ROE;equity interest
  1. 在实物中,比较典型的是股权收益权信托与资金信托、股权信托、表决权信托之间的区别。

    In practice , the typical differences are generated between the trust of the right of return on equity and fund trust , voting right trust .

  2. 股权收益权信托制度具有社会融资、股权收益分享等特殊的功能,该制度具有较好的发展前景。

    The trust of the right of return on equity system enjoys special function as social financing , sharing of return on equity , etc. It has comparatively favorable promising future .

  3. 报告称,尽管总体薪酬更高的CEO的确有可能在以后的日子里表现不佳,不过那些接受较低薪水的CEO也有可能获得更高的股权收益和业绩。

    While the executives who received higher total paydays were likely to underperform going forward , they wrote , those who actually did receive lower pay packages were likely to achieve improved stock returns and performance .

  4. 上市公司股价收益与股权收益的风险关系研究

    A Study on Risk correlation between Stock Market and Listed Companies ' profitability

  5. 目前学界关于股权收益权信托的研究还处在起步阶段,与国外相比有很大的差距。

    Currently , Chinese academic study on it is still in its infancy , which lags far behind than that in abroad .

  6. 中国市场第二大汽车制造商通用汽车称,其在华合资企业今年一季度创造的股权收益为4亿美元。

    GM , China 's second-biggest carmaker , reported $ 400m of equity income from its Chinese joint ventures in the first quarter of this year .

  7. 农民可以通过土地使用权转让,获得相应的股权收益,从而达到公平与效率的双重效益。

    The peasant can gain their money paid for shares through the transfer of the land property rights , and the dual utility of equity and efficiency can be realized .

  8. 由于财务杠杆效应,在总收益不变的前提下,负债越高股权收益越高;

    Due to financial lever effect , on condition that the total income is not changed , the higher the liabilities are , the higher the income of stock equity ;

  9. 以远图一号集合资金信托计划和信元股权收益权转让信托计划两个典型案例对两种融资模式的操作流程、具有的优势以及风险进行了描述。

    Described the two kinds of financing modes of operation process , advantages and risks by " Yuan tu No.1 " trust fund and the cell return on equity right transfer trust schemes of two typical cases .

  10. 启示二:民营资本运作,投资参股目标公司的目的是取得股权收益,而不是目标项目生产经营收益,这一点与传统投资行为有着本质的区别。

    The purpose of capitalization , investing as the stockholder of target company for privately-owned enterprise is to attain stock right profits , rather than production operation profits of the target project . This marks its basically difference from the traditional investment method .

  11. 通过分析我国上市公司实施MBO的特点提出以下假设前提条件:(1)管理层偿还融资利息的资金来源于股利与卖出部分股权的收益;

    By analyzing the characteristics of MBO of listed company in our country , it proposes postulated conditions : ( 1 ) The funds repaid for the interest of financing stem from dividend and earnings of transferring of the stock ;

  12. 成本法核算时长期股权投资收益的确认

    The Confirmation of Long-term Share Investing Gains in Working out the Cost

  13. 长期股权投资收益的税收征管对策研究

    Research on the Tax Levying Management of Long-term Stock Right Investment Profit

  14. 长期股权投资收益确认问题的探讨

    A Discussion on the Confirmation of Long Equity Investing

  15. 股东之所以否决这项交易,很大一部分原因是,李泽楷拒绝承诺按计划向少数股东分配出售股权的收益。

    Richard Li 's refusal to commit to plans to distribute the proceeds of the stake sale to minority shareholders appeared to play a big part in the rejection .

  16. 人力资源股份化后,股权参与收益分配的对象不应该是净利润,而应该是经济增加值。

    After establishment of a full-fledged shareholding system of human resources , the subject of income distribution of stock rights should not be net profit but economic added value .

  17. 在一个无论是来自固定收益还是股权的收益均越来越难以得到的世界中,如果投资者忽视亚太公司的收益潜力,那么他们将会损害自己的利益。

    In a world where yield , whether from fixed income or equities , is increasingly difficult to attain , investors do themselves a disservice if they disregard the income potential of Asia-Pacific companies .

  18. 由于期权模型以有效市场假设为前提,并且直接考虑了债权和股权的收益与风险,这种方法更为有效地体现了等价交换的市场原则。

    Advanced on the premise of efficiency market , the model can take the return and risk of debt and equity into account , and follows closely the market principle of fair and equivalent exchange .

  19. 进一步的担忧是,大银行都在竭力将股权投资收益率提高至2008年之前的水平&它们兜售的那些复杂问题产品锁带来的虚假利润,推高了收益率。

    A further concern is that the big banks are all desperately trying to raise the return on equity back to pre-2008 levels – levels grossly inflated by phoney profits on all those complex , toxic products they peddled .

  20. 比如阿布扎比投资局(adia)业界公认的全球最大主权财富基金,就设立于上世纪70年代中期,数十年来一直是股权和固定收益市场上的一支重要力量。

    The Abu Dhabi Investment Authority ( adia ) - widely thought to be the largest sovereign wealth fund - was set up in the mid-1970s , and has been a powerful force in the equity and fixed-income markets for decades .

  21. 这些对外投资主要投资于股权、固定收益和另类资产等投资产品。

    These overseas investments mainly cover equity , fixed income and alternative assets .

  22. 股权会带来收益也会产生成本。

    Equity comes with benefits and costs .

  23. 是股权投资的收益性。

    The yield of equity investment .

  24. 在国外,券商的大部分的收入来自股权的投资收益。

    In the foreign countries , most of the revenue of the broker is from the direct investment in the equity market .

  25. 从资产处理、合作形式、股权设置、收益分配和组织人事管理等方面综合分析合作经营制改革方案;

    The procedures of cooperative management system were summarized in aspects of capital treatment , cooperative pattern , stock allot , benefit distribution and personnel management .

  26. 在中国的股票市场中,特殊的股权结构和收益率使得投资者只能着眼于股票的价差收益。

    The investors have to focus on the return of stock price spread because of special ownership structure and return rate in China 's security market .

  27. 在此基础上,从企业产权制度角度对农村土地股份合作制的产权结构、股权设置、收益分配制度加以解析。

    Consequently , the property structure , the initialization of stock rights and the profit allocation system of the joint stock-cooperative system were analyzed from the aspect of enterprise property system .

  28. 本文对财务风险控制研究以财务风险发生的最源生因素为出发点,认为股权投资者的收益率得不到保证是财务风险发生的最源生性因素。

    The study of financial risk control started from the point of the most primal factors to financial risk considering that equity investors yields are not guaranteed to be the best source of financial risk endogenous factors .

  29. 本文以跨国股权投资的收益&股息为研究对象,试图找到来源国、居住国和跨国投资人三者之间征税问题的最佳平衡点,即跨国股息所得上的合理税负。

    The study focuses on the taxation of transnational dividend . The author tries to find out the balance point among three parties involved in transnational dividend taxation : source country of dividend , residence country of transnational investor and transnational investor himself .

  30. IPO是私募股权退出投资实现收益的重要方式,私募基金的投资对于企业IPO发行价格有着重要的影响。

    Initial public offering ( IPO ) is the most important way for private equity fund to withdraw from the investment and realize their profit .