
  1. 对股份有限公司发起人责任的思考

    The Reflection on Sponsors ' responsibility for Limited-Liability company

  2. 股份有限公司发起人若干问题研究

    A Research on Issues concerning Stock Company Promoter

  3. 股份有限公司发起人的法律规制

    Legal Regulation of Sponsors of Joint-stock Company

  4. 论董事竞业禁止义务股份有限公司发起人制度研究

    The Study of the of Obligation of Non-Competition for Company Directors On Promoter System for Company Limited

  5. 第八十条股份有限公司发起人承担公司筹办事务。

    Article 80 The initiators of a joint stock limited company shall undertake the preparatory work of the company .

  6. 有限责任公司股东或者股份有限公司发起人的姓名或者名称。

    Names or titles of shareholders of a limited liability company or of promoters of a company limited by shares .

  7. 股份有限公司发起人,必须按照本法规定认购其应认购的股份,并承担公司筹办事务。

    The promoters of a company limited by shares must subscribe for shares for which they are required to subscribe in accordance with this Law and must be responsible for the preparation of the establishment of the company .

  8. 公司章程的记载对于确定有限责任公司股东和股份有限公司发起人股东具有重要意义,签署公司章程的行为在判定当事人是否具有成为公司股东的真实意思方面比公司章程的记载具有更强的证据效力;

    The record of company regulation has the signification for confirming the shareholder of limited company and initiator of stock company . Signing the company regulation has stronger evidence affects than the record of company regulation in judging whether parties have true meaning that become the company shareholder .

  9. 论我国股份有限公司中发起人的信义义务

    On the Faith Obligation of the Sponsor in the Limited Company of Our Country

  10. 投资性公司应视为股份有限公司境外发起人或股东。

    Companies with an investment nature shall be deemed to be foreign sponsors or shareholders of companies limited by shares .

  11. 有限责任公司的全体股东或者股份有限公司的全体发起人签署的公司名称预先核准申请书;

    Application for name pre-approval signed by all the shareholders of the limited liability company or by all the promoters of the company limited by shares ;