
hù xiānɡ bānɡ zhù
  • help each other;You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours
  1. 我们都必须努力互相帮助。

    We must all try and help each other .

  2. 我们可以在学习上互相帮助。

    We can help each other in our study .

  3. 我们都尽力互相帮助。

    We all try and help one another .

  4. 他们一直互相帮助。

    They were always supportive of each other

  5. “你会发现同事们都会尽力互相帮助。”——“是呀,有很多这样的事。”

    ' You 'll find that everybody will try and help their colleague . ' — ' Yeah . There 's a lot of that . '

  6. 厂际协作和互相帮助已蔚然成风。

    Co-ordination and mutual help between factories has become the order of the day .

  7. 朋友之间互相帮助,理当如此。

    Friends always help each other , and rightly so .

  8. 咱们是同事,应当互相帮助。

    As colleagues we ought to help each other .

  9. 但除了作为社会人的最低要求之外,他们几乎没有互相帮助的本能。

    But beyond the minimum requirements as social beings , they have little instinct to help one another .

  10. 学生通过实践和问问题达到学习的目的,他们可以互相帮助。这是一个让快进生和慢进生都能获益的学习过程。

    Students learn by doing and asking questions . Students can also help each other , a process that benefits both the advanced and less advanced learners .

  11. 家庭成员间应当敬老爱幼,互相帮助,维护平等、和睦、文明的婚姻家庭关系。

    Within the family family members shall respect the old and cherish the young , help one another , and maintain equal , harmonious marriage and family relations .

  12. 但假如他们同乘坐一条船渡河,遇到风暴的话,他们也会互相帮助,就像一个人的左右手互相配合那样,一点也不会像是仇人。

    But if they were on the same boat and encounter a storm , they would help each other just like one 's left hand coordinates with his right hand , and they didn 't seem hostile to each other at all .

  13. 在Web网络环境中,网络使得用户之间的互相帮助成为可能。

    In the web applications , the network makes the mutual help become possible .

  14. 人们这种通过现代交流网络互相帮助的趋势远远超越了当初Twitter仅仅为了让人们方便地和家人、朋友交流的设想。

    And this trend of people using this communication network to help each other out goes far beyond the original idea of just keeping up with family and friends .

  15. 因此亚洲开始重新启用《清迈协议》(chiangmaiinitiative),根据该协议,日本、中国、韩国和10个东南亚国家商定,一旦出现影响稳定的全球资本外流,这些国家将互相帮助。

    Hence moves to dust off the Chiang Mai Initiative , under which Japan , China , South Korea and 10 South-East Asian countries agreed to help each other out in the event of destabilising global capital outflows .

  16. 在我们的工作中互相帮助是很重要的。

    To help each other is very important in our work .

  17. 朋友间总是应该互相帮助的。

    " Friends should always be helpful to one another . ";

  18. 为了完成这一目标,她们会互相帮助。

    To fulfill the goal , they would help each other .

  19. 这两个女孩经常在功课上互相帮助。

    The two girls often help each other in their lessons .

  20. 他们达成协议互相帮助。

    They made a bargain that they would help each other .

  21. 通过互相帮助,他们终于克服了困难。

    By helping each other they managed to overcome the difficulties .

  22. 富有的男人和贫穷的女人互相帮助。

    The rich men and the poor women helped each other .

  23. 我们应该互相帮助,对吗?

    We must help each other , mustn 't we ?

  24. 热爱集体,团结同学,互相帮助,关心他人。

    Love collectives , fellow students and help each other .

  25. 各缔约国保证在这类情况下互相帮助。

    Th eparties pledge themselves to assist one another in such situations .

  26. 我们在这学的就是互相帮助。

    Part of what we Iearn here is to heip each other .

  27. 通过互相帮助,我们已经解决了许多问题。

    Through helping each other we have resolved a lot of problems .

  28. 我们应互相帮助(向彼此学习)。

    We should help each other ( learn from one another ) .

  29. 在这漫长的旅途中朝圣者们互相帮助。

    On this long journey , palmers helped one another .

  30. 讨论会有利于你们互相帮助来提高稿件的质量。

    Workshops allow you to help each other improve your current draft .