
  • 网络IMDB;Internet Movie Database;IMBD
  1. 据路透社报道,互联网电影资料库周一发布了年度最佳25部电影和25名影星排行。其结果均根据用户的搜索习惯、票选排名得来。

    The Internet Movie Database ( IMDB ) on Monday released its annual list of top25 films and top25 stars of2010 , as determined by its users'search behavior , votes and rankings , Reuters reported .

  2. 让我赶快去IMDB(互联网电影资料库)搜一下,还要去弄杯咖啡。

    Let me do a quick IMDB search and grab a cup of coffee .

  3. 你就想嘛,据互联网电影资料库(IMDB)的资料显示,这个场景是在清晨4点时拍的,连水都是靠加热泵保温,肯定不是纽约啊!

    Go figure . According to IMDB , the whole thing took place during a 4 a.m. shoot where the water was kept warm via a heated pump . Oh well .

  4. 2017到2018年6月,全球十大高薪女演员的税前总收入达到1.86亿美元,数据来自尼尔森、网络数据计算公司ComScore、BoxOfficeMojo和互联网电影资料库以及行业人士的采访。

    Together , the world 's 10 highest-paid actresses tallied a combined $ 186 million between June 1 , 2017 , and June 1 , 2018 , before fees and taxes . Earnings estimates are based on data from Nielsen , ComScore , Box Office Mojo and IMDB , as well as interviews with industry insiders .

  5. 据互联网电影资料库称,这部电影会在今年发布。

    According to IMDB , the film should be released sometime this year .

  6. 但当莱昂纳多的演绎生涯在上世纪90年代开始发光发热时,亚当的星路却越来越黯淡,在互联网电影资料库上,他的上一份工作是1999年在伯特·雷诺兹导演的犯罪剧《幼犬》中饰演的一个小角色。

    While Leonardo 's career took flight in the 90s , Farrar 's faltered , his last booked job on IMDb listed as a small role in Burt Reynolds crime drama ' Pups ' in 1999 .