首页 / 词典 / good


hù zhù
  • cooperation;mutual aid;help each other;reciprocity;synergism
互助 [hù zhù]
  • (1) [help each other]∶彼此帮助共同合作

  • 互助互利

  • (2) [cooperation] [生态]∶两个物种间相互作用的一种类别,其中每一物种对另一物种都是有益的,并能增加种群的大小或增长率

互助[hù zhù]
  1. Wiki使学生对于给定的任务,为解决问题共同努力、互帮互助、平等交流,从而使他们真正成为学习的主人。

    Wiki makes the students work hard together for the delivered problem , help each other , communicate equally to solve the problem , so that they become the real master of learning .

  2. 我们是一个幸福的大家庭,我们互助互爱!

    Re : We are a big happy family and we like to help each other !

  3. 你要想投资而不冒风险,倒不如把钱存到房屋互助协会。

    If you want a safe investment , you could do a lot worse than put your money in a building society .

  4. 她参加了当地医院的癌症互助组。

    She attended a cancer support group at her local hospital .

  5. 鲍勃需要与他共同肩负这项使命的其他人的友爱互助。

    Bob needs the fraternity of others who share his mission .

  6. 她得知自己的保险已经被太平洋互助保险公司中止了。

    She learned her insurance had been canceled by Pacific Mutual Insurance Company

  7. 他打算把资金分散存到不同的购房互助会的账户上。

    His plan is to spread the capital between various building society accounts

  8. 银行和购房互助协会为了争夺业务而展开激烈的竞争。

    Banks and building societies are competing fiercely for business

  9. 上周,银行和建屋互助会推迟了就利率问题作出决定。

    Last week , banks and building societies were hanging fire on interest rates .

  10. 总统确定了在未来加强同东欧的互助的目标。

    The President set the targets for the future to promote friendship with East Europe

  11. 购房互助协会为信誉良好的客户提供贷款。

    Building societies make loans to creditworthy customers .

  12. 建屋互助协会收回未偿清房贷的住房,这吓退了很多买家。

    Building society repossessions have frightened buyers off

  13. 英国第三大建屋互助会准备放弃其互助性质,转变为银行。

    Britain 's third largest building society abandoned its mutual status and became a bank .

  14. 她帮助母亲建起了一个互助会,帮助那些有肥胖孩子的家长。

    She helped her Mum set up a self-help group for parents with overweight children .

  15. 大萧条使得不同集团在友爱互助的气氛中如兄弟般亲密往来。

    The recession has created an atmosphere where disparate groups fraternise in an atmosphere of mutual support .

  16. 他们找到一处房子,谈妥价格,通过住房互助协会办理了抵押贷款。

    They find a house , agree a price , and take out a mortgage through their building society .

  17. 该协会威胁说如果银行和建屋互助会不配合的话,它将不再提供支持。

    The association has threatened to withdraw its support if the banks and building societies refuse to play ball .

  18. 转成付息的活期存款账户,并保持账上有余额。多数银行和较大的购房互助会现在都能开立这种账户。

    Switch to an interest-paying current account and stay in credit . Most banks and larger building societies now offer these accounts

  19. 我们将把兵力加进防御互助条约。

    We will put military muscle into the mutual defence pact .

  20. 你需要与优秀的人互帮互助。

    You need amazing people who help you just as you help them .

  21. 月25日我安排在当地慈善互助会见面

    So I arranged for a gathering at the local Elks Club on January 25 . 1

  22. 要加大再分配力度,强化互助共济功能,把更多人纳入社会保障体系。

    We should make efforts to intensify assistance , and have more people benefit from the social security system .

  23. 1979年我们加入了“论坛”(Forum)&一个由十几家类似家族企业组成的互助组织。

    In 1979 , we joined the forum , a networking group of a dozen or so similar family businesses .

  24. 很多人将北岩(northernrock)(该银行2007年遭遇储户挤兑,后来被国有化)的命运归咎于早先“退出互助模式”和上市。

    Many blame the fate of Northern Rock the UK bank that suffered a run on deposits in 2007 and was later nationalised on its earlier " Demutualisation " and listing .

  25. 如今,芭芭拉参加了一个名为Sage的互助小组,这是全国最大的老年LGBT人士互助小组。

    Today , she goes to a support group at Sage , the largest organization for older LGBT people .

  26. 本文提出了设计或者训练不同的基于神经网络的智能Agent的思想,并对多个智能Agent的互助与协作机制进行了一定的讨论。

    The neural network of the intelligent Agent can liken or unliken , in this article the author propose a kind of ideology that design and train different intelligent based on neural network , discuss the mutual help and collaboration of many intelligent Agent .

  27. XX工程灾备系统由五部分组成:用户界面子系统、状态分析子系统、策略管理子系统、接管互助子系统、数据倒回子系统。

    User Interface Subsystem , State Analyze Subsystem , Policy Manage Subsystem , Take-over and Concur Subsystem , Data Recovery Subsystem are composed the Disaster Tolerance System of XX project .

  28. 他也曾为富国银行(WellsFargo)、企业租车服务公司EnterpriseRent-a-Car、西北互助人寿保险公司(NorthwesternMutual)和金融咨询公司EdwardJones等公司培训高管最大程度地发挥脑力。

    He also coaches executives at companies like Wells Fargo ( WFC ) , enterprise rent-a-car , Northwestern Mutual , and financial advisors Edward Jones on how to get the most out of their brains .

  29. 协作通信(中继网络(RN))的概念是建立在通过节点互助以实现多样性空间优势的网络架构基础上的。

    The concept of cooperative communications ( relay network ( RN )) builds upon a network architecture where nodes assist each other to realize spatial advantages of diversity .

  30. 类图及E-R模型的制定方便了与业务人员的交流探讨,与技术人员的协调互助,同时也是制定清洗规则、编写存储过程等工作的有效指南。

    Class diagrams and E-R model development to facilitate business exchanges in the coordination of mutual aid and technical staff , the development of cleaning rules , write stored procedures work effectively guide .