
hù huì jiāo huàn
  • reciprocal exchange
  1. 作为与商定国家互惠交换的一部分,30000名澳大利亚人持假期工作签证去国外旅行。

    As part of the reciprocal exchange with arranged countries , 30000 young Australians traveled overseas under working holiday arrangements .

  2. 在这一变革过程中,互惠交换所建构的道德规范,在更大范围的市场交往中,成为交往的指导,因此市场交换活动呈现出了社会性的特征。

    And the moral codes created in the process of reciprocal exchange serve as a guide in a larger range of market communication .

  3. 平等数额的钱尤其是不同国家间的货币的互惠交换。

    Reciprocal transfer of equivalent sums of money especially the currencies of different countries .

  4. 这反映了员工与组织之间互惠交换关系的本质。另外,不同内容的心理契约履行带来的组织公民行为的提高,具体表现在不同方面。

    In addition , the results indicate that different psychological contract fulfillment has different impacts on the dimensions of organizational citizenship behaviors .

  5. 现阶段,我国农村地区正处在商品经济发展的时期,本文将探讨市场交换是如何与农村原有的互惠交换相互影响。

    At present in China rural the commodity economy is in the development period . This article will research how to interaction Market exchange is on reciprocity of the existing rural each other .

  6. 因为生命是一种互惠的交换。

    Because life is a reciprocal exchange .

  7. 互惠也是交换的原则,是影响两者关系的重要因素。

    The reciprocity is also a principle of the exchange and has a great influence on it .

  8. 许多例子表明,通过明智、互惠的交换,被分解的古董能够重归于整。

    There are many examples of divided antiquities that could be returned to wholeness by intelligent , reciprocal exchanges .

  9. 主要的策略有四种:选择性建构社会关系的网络策略、社会资本互惠的交换策略、社会资本增值的策略和强关系、弱关系的策略。

    There are four main strategies : Construction of selective social network strategy 、 The mutual exchange of social capital strategy 、 Social capital appreciation strategies and strong relationship between the weak relations strategy .

  10. 难以置信你居然跟她做了交易其实更像是互利互惠的情报交换

    I can 't believe you made a deal with her.It was more like a helpful exchange of information .