
  • 网络Dynamic efficiency;Dynamical Efficiency
  1. 提高小型YAG激光器动态效率的优化设计

    An optimizing design to improve dynamic efficiency of small-sized YAG laser

  2. 对于网络型产业而言,竞争的动态效率尤为重要。

    Dynamic efficiency of competition is rather important in those industries .

  3. 并在对资产泡沫界定的基础上,分别采用马歇尔K值系数和金融相关比率作为资产泡沫的衡量指标,对资产泡沫与动态效率之间的关联性进行了实证分析。

    The part on the basis of defining asset bubbles , respectively use K-Coefficient of Marshall and FIR as the measure of asset bubbles .

  4. 因此,资产价格对动态效率的影响机制研究开始为人们所关注。

    The impact of asset price on dynamic efficiency has been concerned .

  5. 广东经济动态效率演变轨迹及原因探析

    Dynamic Efficiency of Guangdong Economy : Evolution and Cause Analysis

  6. 世界经济结构演进中的中国:经济增长与动态效率

    China in the World Economic Structural Transformation : Economic Growth and Dynamic Efficiency

  7. 我国省际卫生经济投入产出的动态效率测度研究

    Research on Measurement of Input-output Dynamic Efficiency of China 's Provincial Health Economy

  8. 从动态效率来看,一定程度的垄断有利于技术进步和人力资本的积累,因而是动态有效的。

    Some extent monopoly has benefits to technology innovation and human capital accumulation .

  9. 基于经济动态效率考察的养老保险筹资模式研究

    Dynamic Efficiency and the Model for Funding Raising Schemes of the Pension System

  10. 高速行星齿轮传动的动态效率研究

    Study on Dynamic Efficiency of High-speed Planetary Transmission

  11. 结论认为:企业暂时的垄断地位推动着技术创新的进化和演进,创新、竞争和垄断这三者在网络条件下的互动机制保证了竞争性垄断市场的动态效率。

    The interaction among innovation , competition and monopoly will ensure the dynamic efficiency .

  12. 同时对我国转轨时期经济的动态效率进行了创造性地研究。

    But also does the creative research on the movable economic efficiency during the transitional period .

  13. 在相当大范围内器件的动态效率及动静比随铬离子浓度的加大而提高。

    Efficiency of the Q-switched ruby device increases with chromium concentration in a considerably wide range .

  14. 考虑感应电机动态效率的自抗扰控制及混沌优化

    Active Disturbance Rejection Control and Chaos Optimization for Induction Motors Taking Dynamic Efficiency Optimization into Account

  15. 希尔莫教授认为,现在在澳大利亚,配置效率和动态效率更为重要。

    Today in Australia I think that the allocative and the dynamic efficiency is much more important .

  16. 本文定义的技术进步即动态效率,反映了企业不同时期的效率改进程度。

    Dynamic efficiency which be defined technological progress , reflect the increased efficiency of the different periods .

  17. 因此我会获得出色的动态效率,卖出比较高的价格。

    And so I could be dynamically very efficient and actually get a higher price for my bricks .

  18. 海峡两岸寿险业动态效率比较&投入松弛变量调整方法的应用

    A Cross-Strait Comparative Study of Efficiency of Life Insurance Companies & An Application of the Input Slack Adjustment Approach

  19. 在这种情况下谈及效率,往往更多的是指动态效率和配置效率。

    And when we talk about efficiency in those terms we tend to talk about dynamic efficiency and allocative efficiency .

  20. 本文指出经济效率是一种动态效率,微观主体分工与专业化的技术效率是经济效率的物质基础,通过制度的协调来实现。

    Economic efficiency is dynamic efficiency , based materially on the efficiency of division of labor and specialization of the individual .

  21. 动态效率则注重于刷新,权衡出产者能否追随顾客对各类产物和处事乐趣的转变而更始自己的出产。

    Dynamic efficiency focuses on innovation and measures how well a producer adapts to changes in consumers'tastes for different goods and services .

  22. 动态效率问题是资本积累和经济增长研究中的核心问题。

    The issue of dynamic efficiency is central to the analyses of capital accumulation and economic growth . This paper investigates dynamic efficiency of Chinese economy .

  23. 但是,总体上现有的评价方法对企业的动态效率关注不够;难以将企业的垄断利润和正常的经营利润进行区分。

    However , on the whole , the current evaluation method neglects dynamic efficiency ; and is difficult to separate monopoly profits from the normal operating profit .

  24. 第三,资产泡沫与经济的动态效率二者之间具有较高的相关性,且理性资产泡沫对经济的动态效率具有一定程度的正向影响。

    Thirdly , there is a high correlation between asset bubbles and dynamic efficiency . To a certain extent , rational asset bubbles have positive influence to dynamic efficiency .

  25. 自然垄断现象也是市场过程演化过程中的自然现象,无论源于规模经济还是范围经济,都表明自然垄断具有动态效率特征。

    Similarly , natural monopoly is a natural phenomenon of market process evolution . Whether as a consequence of scale economy or scope economy , natural monopoly represents dynamic efficiency .

  26. 而投资动态效率是投资决策的重要参考,因此,如何衡量企业的投资动态效率就成为学术界研究的问题。

    Dynamic efficiency of investment is an important reference for investment decisions , therefore , academic starts to research on the issue that how to measure the dynamic efficiency of business .

  27. 而另一方面,目前国内关于动态效率的研究却普遍认为我国的经济整体处于动态无效的运行状况中。

    On the other hand , at present there is a popular view about the research of dynamic efficiency in china that the whole economy of our country is in the dynamic inefficiency situation .

  28. 结果表明,反垄断法要适应网络经济,只能以经济效率为核心价值,该经济效率的内涵是在静态效率(包括生产效率和分配效率)与动态效率、交易成本之间的一种权衡。

    The results show that anti-monopoly law should taken economical efficiency as its core value to meet with network economy , wherein economical efficiency means weighing static efficiency , dynamic efficiency and transaction cost .

  29. 从静态效率和动态效率两个角度来综合评估城市水务系统在各年的效率情况,以及影响其效率变化的关键性因素。

    This research will be conducted using both static and dynamic efficiency measurement , for comprehensively evaluating the efficiencies of a water management system over several years , and identifying critic elements which affect efficiency .

  30. 寡头垄断市场结构的效率具有多维性表现,从实现过程看,其效率表现为静态效率和动态效率;从作用范围看,则表现为微观效率和宏观效率。

    With regard to its realization process , it is manifested as static efficiency and dynamic efficiency , while in terms of its effect range , it is manifested as micro efficiency and macro efficiency .