
  • 网络Dynamic static method;Method of Dynamic Equilibrium
  1. 某型导弹起竖臂静动态有限元模型在ANSYS中建立,并采用动静法对其分析。

    The finite element model of static-dynamic for certain missile erecting arm was built in ANSYS , and was analyzed in dynamic-static method .

  2. 求解铰接式车辆动态一级稳定性的动静法

    The dynamic static method for calculating the dynamic stability of articulated vehicles

  3. 质点和多刚体系统的广义动静法

    On generalized method of KINETO-STATICS of particles and multi-body system

  4. 然后运用动静法对该机构进行了动力学分析。

    Then the dynamic analysis of the mechanism is done with the Dynamic-Static Method .

  5. 电动叉车动态稳定性的动静法分析

    Dynamic-static-method analysis of dynamic stability for electric fork-lift

  6. 动静法在单自由度谐激励强迫振动中的应用

    The Application of D'Alembert 's Principle to Harmonic Excitative Forced Vibration of Single-degree of Freedom

  7. 陀螺定向运动方程的动静法推导

    A Derivation on the Motion Equation of Gyro-orientation Based on the Method of Kinetics and Statics

  8. 流体的惯性力系简化及动静法

    The reduction of inertia forces acting on fluids and the D'Alembert 's method in hydrodynamics problems

  9. 理论力学动静法中刚体惯性力的另种加法

    Generalized variational principles in theory of elasticity A New Method to Apply Inertia Force of Rigid Body in Dynamic-static Method

  10. 采用了动静法的描述形式建立了舰载导弹在发射段的数学模型,分别给出了导弹相对发射坐标系的相对运动模型和导弹在地面坐标系下的绝对运动模型。

    The mathematic models of ship-based missile in launch period are established . These models consist of relative motion in launch-fixed coordinate and absolute motion in earth-fixed coordinate .

  11. 提出并总结了三种用于结构损伤识别的新方法:对称信号法,动静结合法和乐音准则法。

    It is advanced and summarized three new damage identification methods .

  12. 本文在深入总结现有结构损伤识别的基础上,讨论了运用应变模态的方法对桁架结构进行损伤识别的思想及方法,重点阐述了动静结合法在损伤诊断中的应用。

    And it discusses the theory and method of damage identification using strain modal .

  13. 通过钢桁架的动、静力联合试验验证了动静结合法的有效性。

    The validity of the dynamic static integrated method was verified by the static and dynamic combined experiment of steel truss .

  14. 多层感官动静结合讲解法在武术普修课中的实施&将被动的鸭变成主动的人高校体育教育专业武术普修的教法研究

    The Implementation of Multi-Layered Senses Dynamic-Static Integrated Approach in the Wushu Course Instruction for the Non-Majors & Turning the Crammed Ducks into the Learning Persons

  15. 文章以当前教学改革的新目标及现代教学理论的新要求为依据,结合武术自身特点的优势,在教学过程中,提出并实施多层感官动静结合讲解法。

    This paper , based on the new goals and new requirements , suggests in the modern teaching approaches and integrates the features of wushu instruction , and proposes " multi layered senses dynamic static integrated approach " in the wushu instruction process .

  16. 围绕动静结合排水固结法课题,对冲击荷载作用下软粘土性状进行了试验研究,重点分析了排水条件对土体固结和再固结的影响。

    For the subject on drainage consolidation method of combining static and dynamic loading , the deformation characteristics of saturated soft clay under impact loading are studied by laboratory tests , and the influences of drainage conditions on consolidation and re consolidation of soft clay are analysed in detail .