
  • 网络dynamic linked library;Dynamic Link Library;dynamic-link library;DLL;dlls
  1. 基于DMA的USB设备驱动及其动态链接库开发

    Developments of the USB Device Driver and DLL Base on DMA Data Transfer

  2. 就COM技术和动态链接库技术在Windows环境下的组件开发问题作了一些初步的探讨和研究。

    Research into some development problems of component about COM and DLL on Windows platform .

  3. 用动态链接库实现SYSTEMVIEW仿真工具中的频偏估算法

    Implementation of Frequency Offset Estimation Algorithm by DLL in System View

  4. 利用VISUALBASIC动态链接库函数进行I/O控制

    I / O Control by Dynamic Link Library Function of Visual Basic

  5. 动态链接库在VISUALBASIC编程中的应用

    Application of the DDL on the Programing of Visual Basic

  6. Internet服务器应用程序编程接口&动态链接库(ISAPIDLL)

    Internet Server Application Programming Interface ( ISAPI ) Dynamic Link Library ( DLL )

  7. 本文使用C语言实现多媒体抽象层,并以动态链接库的形式发布。

    The thesis implements abstraction layer with c language and it was released by dynamically linked libraries .

  8. Windows操作系统冗余动态链接库的删除

    Deletion of Redundant DLL Files in Windows Operation System

  9. 预加载共享动态链接库算法在桌面Linux环境下的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Preloading DLL Algorithm under Linux Platform

  10. 动态链接库在上位机与PLC通信中的应用

    Application of dynamic library in communication between computer and PLC

  11. Windows应用程序设计中的动态链接库

    On Dynamic Linking Library in Windows Application Programming

  12. 采用Java技术,结合C++动态链接库,实现了系统。

    Using Java technology and C + + dynamic link library to implement the system .

  13. 研究了探地雷达目标成像算法,利用动态链接库技术实现了在脱离Matlab环境下在Visualc++编写的程序中调用Matlab程序对目标进行三维成像的功能;

    Implemented 3D targets imaging using mixed programming of Matlab and Visual C + + ;

  14. 基于动态链接库实现MATLAB对NI计数器的数据读取与操作控制

    Data Reading and Operation Controlling of NI Counter in Matlab Based on DLL

  15. 基于LabWindows/CVI动态链接库的VC接口实现

    Interface Implementation of VC Based on LabWindows / CVI 's DLL

  16. 动态链接库实现PC与短波MODEM的串行通信

    Realization of PC and shortwave MODEM communications by DLLs

  17. 动态链接库与VB多媒体程序设计

    Dynamic Link Library ( DLL ) and Multimedia Program-design with Visual Basic

  18. 动态链接库(DLL)是Windows编程的重要特色之一。

    DLL is an important feature of Windows programming .

  19. 共享对象类似于Windows的DLL(动态链接库)。

    Shared objects are analogous to Windows DLLs ( Dynamic Link Libraries ) .

  20. 着重探讨这个系统软件设计中的定时技术、Active控件开发、组态界面设计和动态链接库应用等技术。

    Such technology as timing , active controls development , configuration interface design and DLL ( Dynamic Linking Library ) application were emphatically discussed .

  21. 建立支持VB进行I/O端口操作的动态链接库

    Building the Dynamic Link Library About I / O Port Operation for VB

  22. VB应用程序中使用用户自定义动态链接库的几个关键技术问题

    Key Technology about Using Self-Defined DLL in VB Applications

  23. 基于图库和动态链接库的钣金展开CAD方法

    CAD method of sheet metal unfolding based on libraries of picture and dynamic link Huazhong University of Science and Technology

  24. 用Visualc++语言编写数据采集卡的底层函数,以完成具体的控制功能模块,编译程序生成动态链接库。

    The underlying function of data acquisition card and some specific control module were generated dynamical link library with Visual C + + .

  25. 利用C语言程序编写的动态链接库文件,实现了该准则在通用软件的科学仿真计算。

    Then dynamic link library of the software is programmed adopting the C language ; and the criterion can be used in the general software .

  26. 双接口动态链接库在VB中的实现

    Implementation of Double Interface of DLL in VB

  27. Windows环境下动态链接库(DLL)程序设计

    Programming Based on Windows Dynamic Link Library

  28. 前一个组件是一个Windows动态链接库(DLL)。

    The former component is provided as a Windows Dynamic Link Library ( DLL ) .

  29. 作为示例,下面有一个演示Linux中对动态链接库的缺省使用的小程序

    As an example , here is a small program that demonstrates the default use of dynamic libraries in Linux

  30. 动态链接库允许在一个独立的模块中封装一系列的功能函数然后以一个显式的C函数列表提供外部使用者使用。

    DLLs allow encapsulation of a piece of functionality in a standalone module with an explicit list of C functions that are available for external users .