
  1. 对Web站点的主页设计进行了讨论,提出一种把超文本标记语言HTML与JAVA语言相结合来设计网页的方法,既能使页面富有动态感,又能使页面与用户间有较强的交互性。

    A method which can mix the language HTML and JAVA to design the Home Page Thirdly , it discusses the shortcomings of HTML in the aspect of the sharing of the Web education .

  2. 基于动态感兴趣区域的车道线识别与跟踪

    Lane detection and tracking based on dynamic region of interest

  3. 我喜欢这张照片的色彩、亮度和动态感。

    I loved the colors , light , and motion .

  4. 一个基于渐进传输和动态感兴趣区域编码的远程维护系统

    A Remote Maintenance System Based on Progressive Transmission and Dynamic Region of Interest

  5. 一部优秀的影视作品无论从其语音的体现,词汇的运用,语义的理解,语调的把握等方面都应该具有准确感,动态感,逻辑感。

    An excellent movie is accurate , dynamic and logical in accent , vocabulary , meaning and tone .

  6. 如:最具孕育性时刻的动态感,相互矛盾因素作用下的相互作用力。

    Such as : " fixed action " dynamic sense ; mutually contradictory elements under the action of the interaction .

  7. 英汉拟声词具有动态感和立体感,可达到声情并茂的修辞效果。

    With dynamic and cubic shapes , the onomatopoeic terms in English and Chinese can attain the actual and expressive rhetorical results .

  8. 富有休闲性和动态感的线性休闲空间与动态景观可以为人们的休闲生活提供适宜的场所,提高城市环境质量并增加城市的活力与吸引力。

    It can provide the proper leisure place , increase the quantity of the city environment and it 's energy and affinity .

  9. 大部分消息服务中提供的仍是更为人熟知的、动态感不那么强的微笑面孔。比起它们,兔斯基算是一大进步。

    The lively rabbit represents a significant upgrade to the more familiar , less dynamic , smiley faces offered by other messaging services .

  10. 中国经济地理是高等院校地理系为高年级学生开设的一门主干课程,相对自然地理而言具有强烈的时代感和动态感。

    The Economic Geography of China , which has strong sensation of the times and developments , is a main subject for Geography students of high grades .

  11. 该舞蹈纹样的舞者为四人手牵手排开,体现了舞蹈的动态感和韵律感。

    From the dancing-grained potsherd we can see that there are four persons who are hand in hand , which embodies the sense of moving and the sense of rhythm .

  12. 现代设计中,混合媒体的使用越来越多,即使是传统的二维平面作品,也需要表现出四维空间的动态感,平面设计作品中的空间局限性被越来越多地打破了。

    Although in traditional two-dimensional design work , we need to demonstrate a kind of four-dimensional dynamics experience . Space limitations in graphic design have been more and more broken .

  13. 推特是用来了解现在世界上发生的一些事情,如果你对音乐啦,运动啦,政治啦,新闻啦,名人啦和每日的动态感兴趣,来推特就对了。

    Twitter is the place to find out about what 's happening in the world right now . Whether you 're interested in music , sports , politics , news , celebrities , or everyday moments .

  14. 该流速传感器的动态感测范围为51.0~148.2mm/s,在该范围内,至少可感测到0.3mm/s的流速变化,这是目前所报道的最优值。

    The measuring range is 51.0 ~ 148.2 mm / s and in that range the sensor can distinguish the change of the flow velocity as low as ( 0.3 mm / s ) which is the lowest to our knowledge .

  15. 二是通过植物的利用,改善城市环境,吸引鸟类到城市绿地中来,增强动物与人们的互动性,增加植物景观的动态感,满足人类动物植物和谐共处,增加人们生活幸福指数。

    It is by the plant , improving urban environment , attract birds to urban green space , to enhance the animals and people , increase the interactive landscape plant , dynamic satisfy human & plants , animals , harmonious coexistence increase people happiness index .

  16. 对利用SOA的动态潜能感兴趣的开发人员会发现这一点碍手碍脚,从成本的角度是不能接受的。

    Developers who are keen to exploit the dynamic potential of SOA will find this restrictive and cost-prohibitive .

  17. 为实现野外自然道路、农田复杂场景或动态纹理感兴趣区(ROI)的快速分割,提出了一种基于RGB颜色分量线性组合与颜色位屏蔽压缩的主动摄像机视觉目标分割新技术。

    A novel real-time technique for segmenting image into regions of interest ( ROI ) of field scenario as rural road or dynamic textures in active vision was presented , which is based on linear combination of red , green and blue ( RGB ) components and bit-masked reduction .

  18. 但很快,人们就不再对这些动态图像感兴趣了。

    But in time , these moving pictures were no longer interesting .

  19. 计算域中的达道河水流既有河流径流影响,又有外海潮流侵入的影响,流态比较复杂,为动态的感潮河段。

    The Batang Tatau River in the computation domain is a dynamic tidal reach with a complicated flow pattern , influenced by both runoff and tidal flow from the open sea .

  20. 附睾平滑肌瘤3例,超声显示包膜完整,结节呈圆形,边界规整,动态观察球体感明显,内部回声均匀,CDFI显示血流信号较丰富。

    With epididymal leiomyomas the nodules of which were round in shape with complete capsule and global-like on dynamic observation . The inner construction was even with abundant blood flow signals on CDFI .

  21. 该方法采用一个滑动窗口动态地对感兴趣的目标区域计算不断变化的红外热像图的灰度分布,然后根据该区域局部直方图进行均衡化实现对整个窗口中像素的灰度级变换增强。

    The method uses a slide window to select the interested range of target , dynamically calculates the grayscales distribution of the infrared thermal image changes continuously under the condition of infrared smoke screen , the local histogram is evened so as to modify the grayscale of the all window .

  22. 第二,提出了形状纹理关联映射的思想,用于解决人脸动态特征的真实感表现问题。

    Second , a method of dynamic facial texture generation based on shape appearance dependence mapping is proposed .

  23. 传统图像纹理可以给虚拟物体增加丰富的细节,但由于纹理是在特定光照条件下获取的照片,当虚拟光照条件变化时,纹理细节缺少随之动态变化的真实感。

    Traditional image texture mapping can increase abundant details for virtual object . As virtual lighting condition varies , textures lack realistic representation with dynamic lighting changes .

  24. 他们的散文中主体“在路上”的精神求索及其折射出的动态的生命历史感与个性化的超越追求是其诗性的内蕴;

    The subject spirit of " On the Way " of their proses reflecting dynamic life history and the individualized pursues to surpass is the interior poetic characteristic .

  25. 烟雾颗粒粒径分布和浓度的动态变化是影响感烟火灾探测器响应的关键参数,是影响火灾中有毒气体承载与传播的重要因素。

    The dynamic changes of smoke particle size and concentration are important parameters to fire detector response . It affects the carrying and transmission of fire toxic gas .

  26. 在计算机视觉模拟中,动态效果的真实感生成是当前计算机视觉领域的一个研究热点,海浪的计算机模拟尤其具有代表性。

    During the current computer simulating , it is the focus that generating reality object in computer vision fields , and in the area , the computer simulation of ocean wave is the most typical .

  27. 原有功放电路多采用OCL电路,具有工作性能稳定,动态范围大、动态感强,音质好等优点。

    The former power amplification circuit usually adopts OCL amplifier , which has stationary working condition , a large dynamic range scope , a good feeling in dynamic condition , good tone quatity and so on .