
  • 网络future architecture
  1. 建筑构架和表皮的多元共生是时代的要求,也是未来建筑界的一个发展方向。

    It is also the development direction in future architecture .

  2. 未来建筑应该从思想的累赘和艺术的修饰中解脱出来。

    The future architecture should extricate from the thought burden and artistic decoration .

  3. 本文系统地阐述了GRC构件的产品性能,施工工艺及方法、特点,展望未来建筑业外装饰的发展趋势。

    This paper systematically states GRC component function , construction craft , method and characteristics , outside adornment development trend in the future .

  4. 该文通过介绍和分析F·盖里的数字化创作过程,从而总结出这一技术对当代建筑创作的意义和对未来建筑创作的影响。

    By introducing and analyzing the process of F · Gehry 's digital creation of architecture , this paper summarizes the modern significance of architectural creation and the influence of architectural creation in future that the digital technique effects on .

  5. 活性粉末混凝土(RPC)是当今世界热门研究的新型高性能材料,在未来建筑中将扮演重要角色。

    Reactive Powder Concrete is a new kind of high performance material that is being hot researched in the world . It will play an important part on construction in the future .

  6. 人们把这个看作未来建筑的模式。

    People see this as a way of building for the future .

  7. 建筑节能是中国未来建筑发展的必然趋势。

    Construction energy saving is an imperative trend of China architectural development .

  8. 未来建筑的新趋势&智能化建筑

    The New Trend in the Future & Computerized Buildings

  9. 拓宽基础开发意念&对未来建筑教育的思考

    Expanding Basis and Developing Concept ── Thinking About the Architectural Education in Future

  10. 未来建筑文化概念与表述特征

    Future Architecture Culture Conception and its Expressional Characteristics

  11. 对未来建筑形式与方法的探索

    Search for future forms and methods of buildings

  12. 绿色建筑也就成为了未来建筑的主导趋势。为了更好地推进绿色建筑的发展,必须建立起一个绿色建筑优选决策模型。

    Establish a green building can actually preferred decision-making model to promote green building development .

  13. 建房申请,也是未来建筑活动的指向标,也在下降。

    Applications for building permits , an indicator of future construction activity , also fell .

  14. 建筑专业大学生是未来建筑行业的主力军,是施工企业第一线的组织者和实施者。

    College students majoring in architecture will be the major force in the field of architecture .

  15. 生态文化与未来建筑

    Ecological Culture and Future Architecture

  16. 洛杉矶市市长安东尼奥·维拉莱戈萨到场并宣布这座新建筑是未来建筑的榜样。

    Antonio Villaraigosa , Los Angeles'mayor , turned up to declare it a model for future development .

  17. 未来建筑(学)理论与实践的侧重点&兼谈建筑与城市发展的和合观

    The Focus of Future Architectural Theory and Practice ── On the Commingling of Architecture and Urban Development

  18. 未来建筑很可能就是今天建在中国的建筑的样子。

    The architecture of the future will very likely resemble that which is being built in China today .

  19. 实践证明,绿色生态住宅建筑是未来建筑可持续发展的方向。

    The practice proved that the green ecology residential building will be the future building sustainable development direction .

  20. 介绍了太阳能热水器与建筑设计的结合及其在未来建筑中的重要性。

    The paper introduces the uniting of solar energy heater and building design , and its importance in the future .

  21. 重新认识人与自然的关系是未来建筑与环境设计的共同任务。

    To reunderstand the relationship between human and nature is one of the tasks of future architectural and environmental design .

  22. 研究高技术在室内的运用对未来建筑室内设计有很好的借鉴作用。

    Research the application of high technique in the interior have good reference to the building interior design in the future .

  23. 第二部分就影响未来建筑的时间、社会、自然地理环境等因素进行了分析。

    The second part analyse the affect of the time , social , geography environment and other future architectural influence factors .

  24. 在全球选择可持续发展为发展模式的大环境下,绿色建筑也必将成为未来建筑的主流。

    Green building will be the mainstream of architecture in future under the situation that the sustainable development is a global choice .

  25. 拓展未来建筑设计的先锋领域&哈迪德与辛辛那提当代艺术中心

    Expansion of a pioneer field of architecture design in the future : hadid and her work : contemporary arts centre , cincinnati

  26. 钢结构建筑因其强度高、重量轻、施工时间短等特点正成为未来建筑业的发展趋势。

    Steel structure building has been the future trend of construction industry due to its high strength , light weight , low construction time .

  27. 最后,从设计角度对烧结砖未来建筑中的应用前景提出几点设想与展望。

    At last the author puts forward some tentative plans and prospects about the prospect of using clay soil material in architecture in the future .

  28. 建筑能耗是我国能源消耗三大猛虎之一,其中大型公共建筑单位面积能耗远高于住宅能耗,是我国未来建筑节能的重点。

    Large public building energy consumption per unit area is much higher than domestic consumption , and is the focus of future building energy efficiency .

  29. 基于性能抗震设计理论将成为未来建筑抗震设计的主流,推覆分析和非线性时程分析是基于性能抗震设计的主要手段。

    Performance based seismic design of buildings is becoming a trend . Pushover analysis and nonlinear time-history analysis are main approaches in performance based seismic design .

  30. 随着能源短缺的影响和人们对居住环境要求的日益提高,建筑节能是未来建筑的发展趋势。

    The building energy-saving will be the development trend of future architecture with the influences of energy shortage and the rising needs of people living environment .