- 名Futurist;futurologist

The American futurologist Alvin Toffler thought 21 century would be a consumer-culture century .
American futurologist also stated that one who commands information controls the internet controls the whole world .
Futurists agree that these trends will grow as telecommunications networks become cheaper and more efficient .
In 1999 , the futurist Ray Kurzweil published a book entitled The Age of Spiritual Machines .
Change may be a long time coming ( they cite futurist Paul Saffo 's wise insight : " Never mistake a clear view for a short distance " ) .
Intel futurist , Rob Johnson , in an article earlier this year , writes , As we pass 2020 , the size of meaningful computational power approaches zero .
The AI systems in commercial use today are what futurist Ray Kurzweil calls " narrow AI " systems , which are intelligent in particular domains but lack human-level breadth of intelligence .
In an interview , Mr. Stephenson - whose title is chief futurist - declined to say what he was working on at Magic Leap , describing it as one of several " content projects " underway at the company .
Under this situation , American futurist Alvin Toffler has put forward the concept of Mass Customization in his book " Future Shock " .
Futurologist Jorgen Randers , in a report offering a global forecast for the next 40 years , expects energy intensity to fall by only a third compared to 2010 - not enough to stop catastrophic climate change .
Futurists say robots will be a large part of life .
This weekend , hundreds of futurologists are meeting at Newcastle University .
Futurist Sonia arrison predicts that the elderly will be healthier than ever .
Alvin Toffler ( born 1928 ) was the most famous futurologist of his generation .
Futurist George Gilder describes world where the economy is based on sand , glass and air .
Resnick says that he 's " no futurist ," and acknowledges that significant setbacks could always delay progress .
It sounds like the exaggerated vision – utopian or distopian according to taste – of a parlour futurologist .
Futurologists envisage small fleets of shareable , connected cars constantly whizzing around our cities picking up passengers on demand .
Regarded as the world 's leading futurist , Naisbitt shed light on his upcoming book Megatrends China during a recent visit to Beijing .
The futurologist Neville sure about that in the new social bits , key strategic resource has changed for information , knowledge and creativity .
Futurists agreed that in information society , a large number of labor forces have engaged in the processing and production of different kinds of information .
Futurists are saying we should prepare for the ride of our lives , as the transition to self-driving vehicles is comparable to the invention of the telephone .
The famous futurologist gives man Lei to point out : The industrial social characteristics is to standardize , while the information social characteristics is diverse and characteristic .
Since the 1970s , a famous futurists Alvin Toffler bring up the proposition of experience economy , the experience economy theory and practice has attracted extensive attention of the whole society .
" Dissemination " appears the earliest in the book of " Future Shock " by Toffler in the United States , then widely spread in Europe and the United States academic circles .
Futurologists have predicted that the 21 st century , known as the era of knowledge economics , will be the century facing culture shock and all nations worldwide will inevitably be confronted with such challenge .
Alexander Mankowsky is a futurist in Daimler 's society and technology group , and Holger Hutzenlaub , a leader of advanced design group in Germany , was based in Mercedes 's Tokyo studio when the project commenced .
" We are drawn with information , but we are eager for knowledge . " The word by John Naisbitt , is giving a vivid picture of the awkwardness and bemusement of modernists facing the explosion of information .
The futurists , of course , didn 't always get the future wrong , but almost always they got the speed , the scale , and the shape wrong , Rid writes . They continue to do so .
Western futurology domestic forecast : Until 2015 years , people will use time of 50 % in life to leisure , developed countries will enter " leisure times ", leisure will develop gradually the central content in human life .