
  • 网络Future Hotel;avenir hotel
  1. 本文在分析新疆酒店业空间分布特征及影响因素基础上,对1993-2008年乌鲁木齐城市星级酒店的发展、空间分布特征及影响因素进行分析,并对未来酒店布局趋势进行预测。

    Based on analyzing the characteristics and influenced factors of spatial distribution of hotel industry in Xinjiang , the spatial and development characteristics of hotels distributing in Urumqi in 1993-2008 are studied , and the distribution trend of hotels in the future is predicted .

  2. 随着中介网络分销费用的急剧增长以及信息技术的进步,自建网站分销成为国外酒店集团实施的热点,国内外许多学者都认识到自建网站分销必将是未来酒店分销的一支主力军。

    With the rapid growth of network intermediaries ' cost and the development of IT , distribution through hotels ' own websites is considered by academic researchers as an important distribution channel in the future , which has been adopted by many hotel groups .

  3. 所以,现在的酒店管理专业学生即未来的酒店员工的英语交际能力受到越来越多的重视,英语交际能力成为了中等职业学校酒店管理专业学生的必备技能之一。

    Therefore , the current students majoring in hotel management that the future hotel staffs English communicative competence is more and more highly valued , and it had become one of the essential skills of secondary vocational school students in hotel management .

  4. 由于酒店位于巴黎拉丁区的中心位置,那里有许多古老的历史性建筑。你可以从充满未来色彩的酒店走出,进入古老的城市进行探索。

    As the suite is located in the heart of the Latin quarter of Paris , guests may step out from the dreamlike future and into the past by exploring the historical aspect of the city .

  5. 从西安酒店业发展现状可见,未来西安星级酒店具有巨大发展潜力,同时各星级酒店之间的竞争将会更加激烈。

    From the Xi ' an hotel industry development status , it can be predicted that Xi ' an-star hotel has a great potential for development in the future , at the same time , the competition will be more intense .