
wèi lái chōnɡ jī
  • future shock
  1. 未来冲击来自新文化与旧文化的重叠。

    Future shock arises from the superimposition of a new culture on an old one .

  2. 1970年,托夫勒在《未来冲击》一书中提出了一种新的生产方式设想:以大规模生产的成本和效率,提供满足顾客特定需求的产品和服务。

    In 1970 , Toffler conceived a new manufacturing mode in his book Future Shock : With low cost and high efficiency as mass production , it can provide customizing product or service .

  3. 第三,必须恢复财政上的可持续性,将重点放在收入及支出的时间表和情景推想、老龄化问题相关成本以及未来冲击的应急方案上,而不是财政规则。

    Third , fiscal sustainability must be restored , with a focus on timetables and scenarios for revenues and spending , ageing-related costs and contingencies for future shocks , rather than on fiscal rules .

  4. 撇开迎接未来的冲击不说,就国内烟草市场来说品牌运作也是大势所趋。

    Even ignoring the future challenge , the brand operation also has become a trend in the domestic cigarette market .

  5. 阿尔文.托夫勒的著作'未来的冲击'这本书,有许多美国人至今还在议论着。

    A book which is still being discussed by many Americans today is ' Future Shock ' by Alvin Toffler .

  6. 也更可持续的发展道路,使家庭更强大,能够更好地抵御未来的冲击。

    More sustainable growth path than before the recession , and would make households less vulnerable and better able to withstand shocks in the future .

  7. 他在一篇写于1965年的文章中创造了“未来的冲击”这个名称,之后在1970年出版了采用这个名称为书名的书。

    He coined the term " future shock " in an article that first came out in 1965 and then published a Book of the same name in 1970 .

  8. 对拟议的巴塞尔协议III进行一定调整以更好地反映市场状况,美国银行业将能满足拟议的流动性要求,并保持良好状态,从而有利于抵御未来的金融冲击。

    With certain recalibrations to the proposed Basel III requirement that are more reflective of market conditions , the industry would meet the proposed liquidity requirement and be well positioned to withstand a future financial shock .

  9. 他们已经积攒的获利减轻了未来损失的冲击。

    Gains they had accumulated softened the potential blow of subsequent losses .

  10. 现在必须在中美之间建立起牢固的合作框架,以抵挡未来不可避免的冲击。

    What is needed is a Sino-American framework robust enough to withstand the inevitable shocks .

  11. 但跟着限制碳排放问题的呈现及能源供给的欠缺,象加利福尼亚库佩蒂诺的JohnStubblebine公司这样的客户,可以免受未来电力欠缺的冲击。

    But with carbon caps looming on the horizon and power supplies running short , customers like John Stubblebine of Cupertino , Calif. , can insulate themselves from future electricity shocks .

  12. 至于可能在未来18个月冲击全球多数地区的经济困境,维泰利认为,该公司承受风暴的能力好于其它很多企业。

    As to the economic difficulties that seem likely to hit much of the world in the next 18 months , he reckons the company can weather the squalls better than many other businesses .

  13. 人们最好通过完善自我来面对未来的挑战,因为未来的冲击不是以人的意志为转移的。

    It is advisable for people to face up to the future challenges by bettering themselves , because the future shock is independent of man 's will .

  14. 分众一词最早出现在美国未来学家托夫勒的《未来的冲击》一书中,后来广泛流行于欧美传播学界。

    " Dissemination " appears the earliest in the book of " Future Shock " by Toffler in the United States , then widely spread in Europe and the United States academic circles .

  15. 这种情况下,美国未来学家AlvinToffler在《未来的冲击》一书中提出了大规模定制的概念。

    Under this situation , American futurist Alvin Toffler has put forward the concept of Mass Customization in his book " Future Shock " .