
  • 网络silver star;Arauco
  1. 他所获得的种种荣誉反映出他所受到的严峻考验及勇气:多个紫心勋章,带有象征英勇V字母的青铜星章,银星勋章以及法国政府所颁发的一项享有极高荣誉的战争十字勋章。

    The list of his decorations reflects his ordeals and his courage : multiple Purple Hearts , the Bronze Star with V for valor , the Silver Star , and also the Cross of War , an extremely high honor from the government of France .

  2. 其次,综合运用PEST、五力模型分析银星公司面临的外部环境,同时从内部条件与能力的视角分析了银星公司的内部环境,并指出公司发展面临的问题。

    Secondly , this paper analyzed the internal conditions and the development problems of Silver Star from the perspective of its internal conditions and capabilities by integrating use of " PEST ", " five forces model " analysis of Silver Star to face the external environment .

  3. 身披白昼之圣光光没银星俱裂亡

    Just like silver stars imploding we absorb the light of day .

  4. 由于自己格外的勇气,里曼中士获得了银星奖章。

    For his exceptional courage , Sergeant Rieman was awarded the Silver Star .

  5. 夺得银星肩章和银棒肩章。

    Snagged the silver star and a silver bar .

  6. 幽邃银星装饰釉的研制

    Study on decorative black glaze with silver stars

  7. 例如:最近的金星和银星等事故。

    For example : Recently Venus and the Silver Star bumped into and so on .

  8. 我在银星学校上学。

    I am in Yinxing school .

  9. 每一项工程得到用户的肯定,正是银星人最好的报答!

    The affirmation to every project from customers will be the best repay to Silver Star person .

  10. 同时,提出要保证企业发展战略的实施,银星公司必须采取相应的保障措施。

    At the same time Silver Star must take appropriate safeguards for ensuring the implementation of enterprise development strategy .

  11. 完美的设计技术,凝聚着银星人的精心策划,饱含着对每个细节的推敲。

    The perfect technical design coheres the plan of Silver Star person , full of elaboration to every detail .

  12. 为了研究银星竹鼠的生物学特性,本研究进行了3个试验。

    In order to investigate the biological characteristics of Hoary Bamboo Rat , We had three tests for it .

  13. 二战期间,他曾经在海军短暂服役,他还凭借在南太平洋战争中的优异表现获得银星勋章。

    During World War II he served briefly in the Navy and won a Silver Star medal in the South Pacific .

  14. 银星五金厂以雄厚的实力、合理的价格、优良的服务与多家企业建立了长期的合作关系。

    Silver Star Hardware Factory strong strength , reasonable prices , excellent service and a number of enterprises to establish a long-term relations of cooperation .

  15. 本文研究了银星石矿物的地质产状、物理化学性质,以及银星石赖于发育的氧化带地质特征,同时指出了研究银星石和磷矿氧化带对表生矿物学、磷矿床找矿勘探均有实际意义。

    At the same time , the authors consider that the study of wavellite is of significance not only for hypergene mineralogy , but also to phosphorus ore prospecting .

  16. 在做完这些工作的基础上,运用理论结合实际的研究方法,重点研究银星公司为适应环境变化所采用的发展战略。

    On the basis of these works , we focused on researching Silver Star adopted development strategies for adapting to environmental change by integrating theory with practical research method .

  17. 年营业额(元)银星五金厂是一家集生产加工、经销批发的私营独资企业,不锈钢螺丝是银星五金厂的主营产品。

    Silver Star Hardware Factory is a set of production , processing , distribution and wholesale private-owned enterprises , stainless steel screws Silver Star Hardware Factory is a main product .

  18. 目前,银星公司正处于二次创业时期,面临选择发展方向、如何继续发展等诸多战略问题,研究其发展战略对公司的生存与发展具有十分重要的意义。

    At present , Silver Star is in the second pioneering period , which is facing many strategic issues such as the choice of the direction of development , and the method of continue to development .

  19. 银星公司是湖南省桂阳县的一家民营有色金属冶炼加工企业,经过十几年超常规发展,其综合实力位居桂阳县的前几名。

    Silver Star is a private non-ferrous metal smelting processing enterprises in the Guiyang County , Hunan Province . After 10 years of extraordinary development , its comprehensive strength ranks the first of several in Guiyang County .

  20. 创造精品是摆在当今建筑师面前的一大课题,顺德银星雅苑沿着这一思路进行设计,体现出了现代建筑师具备的各方面综合素质。

    Create competitive product is in front of current architect one large subject , Shuande ″ silver star refined garden ″ design along this train of thought , Embody overall qualities of various fields that a modern architect possesses .

  21. 采用正交试验、动态观察及单因素优化试验的方法研制出了铁系结晶釉之一的幽邃银星装饰釉,对其形成机理进行了详细研究,并掌握了其合理的生产工艺控制条件。

    Through cross experiment , dynamic observing and single factor optimization experiment , a new variety of iron system crystallization glaze was studied , its forming mechanism was researched in detail and the reasonable technology control condition of the glaze was in hand .