
  • 网络American Hero
  1. 1843年诺亚·韦伯斯特去世时被认为是一位美国英雄。

    When Noah Webster died in 1843 , he was considered an American hero .

  2. Wyatt的另一名律师称这位83岁的企业大亨为美国英雄,并且提出无论明星还是平民都来信支持,称Wyatt改变了他们的生活

    Another Wyatt attorney called the 83-year-old Tycoon an American Hero . And noted letters of support from celebrities and ordinary citizens who said Wyatt saved or changed their lives .

  3. 这年头,在亚洲几乎没有什么美国英雄。

    There are few American heroes in Asia these days .

  4. 约翰。克里:美国英雄,下届总统。

    John Kerry : American hero , next President .

  5. 我要把这首歌献给一位真正的美国英雄。

    I 'd like to dedicate this song to a real American hero .

  6. 班葛姆是真正的美国英雄。

    Ben Grimm is a genuine American hero .

  7. 我可是美国英雄中的一员。

    I 'm one of america 's heroes .

  8. 特向大家介绍一位真正的美国英雄。

    By bringing you a true American hero .

  9. 从美国英雄到好莱坞肖像画师

    From the American Hero to the Hollywood Portraitist

  10. 我想让每一个人都和我一起,牢记这一伟大的美国英雄,

    I ask every citizen to join me in remembering this great American hero ,

  11. 这是为美国英雄:我的太空人儿子开的宴会。

    It is a great party for a American hero : my son the astronaut .

  12. 杰克逊是个美国英雄。

    Jackson was an American hero .

  13. 也有人认为,勋章的减少要归咎于现在美国英雄的短缺。

    The scarcity of medals has also been blamed for the current shortage of American heroes .

  14. 普拉特扮演的彼得是一个好人、而且是一个典型的亲切的美国英雄。

    he is , as played by Mr. Pratt , a good guy and a quintessentially amiable American hero .

  15. 同时,他们还在日志中记录了更伟大的发现,这一发现将造就新一代的美国英雄。

    But their journals record an even greater discovery , one that will forge a whole new breed of American hero .

  16. 叙述了非洲裔美国英雄的一生,他和蒸汽钻机比速度,去钻开一座山。

    Retells the life of the legendary African American hero who raced against a steam drill to cut through a mountain .

  17. 每一次考验都炼就出了新的美国英雄,都在提醒我们是谁、我们能成为谁。

    Each test has forged new American heroes to remind us who we are and show us what we can be .

  18. 每一次考验锻造出了新的美国英雄,都在提醒我们是谁、我们能成为谁。

    Each test has forged new American heroes to remind us who we are , and show us what we can be .

  19. 我很自豪在今天以及每一天都向这些美国英雄们致敬--感谢他们为这个国家做出的杰出贡献。

    I am so proud to honor these American heroes today -- and every day -- for their extraordinary service to our nation .

  20. 美国英雄中,除了可能做到我没有撒过谎的乔治·华盛顿外,谁得到的信任都比不上被捧上神堂的亚伯拉罕·林肯。

    No American hero , with the possible exception of George I Cannot Tell a Lie Washington , has been more encrusted with myth than Abraham Lincoln .

  21. 阿姆斯特朗的家人发表的声明称他是一个不情不愿的美国英雄,他一直认为自己只是做了分内之事。

    The statement from Mr. Armstrong 's family referred to him as ' a reluctant American hero who always believed he was just doing his job . '

  22. 那个狠心将儿子的“美国英雄”玩具人偶遗落在公交车下的父亲,如今却用无尽的父爱将爱子紧紧地揽入心怀。

    The father leaving the toy " American Hero " cruelly far behind the bus is now holding his son tightly with his endless father 's love .

  23. 我们将珍爱他们每个人的故事,这是诉说胜利和勇敢的故事,这是真正的美国英雄的故事。

    We will treasure their each person 's story , this will be related victory and brave story , this will be the genuine American hero 's story .

  24. 美国英雄中,除了可能做到“我没有撒过谎”的乔治·华盛顿外,谁得到的信任都比不上——被捧上神堂的——亚伯拉罕·林肯。

    No American hero , with the possible exception of George " I Cannot Tell a Lie " Washington , has been more encrusted with myth than Abraham Lincoln .

  25. 彼得并不是一个亡命勇悍的好人;普拉特扮演的彼得是一个好人、而且是一个典型的亲切的美国英雄。

    Peter is not only a good man playing outlaw ; he is , as played by Mr. Pratt , a good guy and a quintessentially amiable American hero .

  26. 所有的美国英雄们--不管他们在大洋中巡逻,保卫我们的国会大厦,保护我们的街区,或者在用其他的方式服务--他们都有着共同的信仰:

    All American heroes - whether they patrol the oceans , protect our Capitol , safeguard our streets , or serve in many other ways - share a common bond :

  27. 我非常感激有很多很棒的机会,向非裔美国英雄们,领袖,企业家和众多其他改变我们国家进程的人们致敬。

    I am very grateful for the many wonderful opportunities to honor African American heroes , faith leaders , entrepreneurs and the many others who changed the course of our Nation .

  28. 早期的美国英雄班哲明?富兰克林将这种想法表达得最淋漓尽致:「你爱生命吗?如果爱就不要浪费时间,因为生命即是由时间组成的。」

    The early American hero Benjamin Franklin expressed this view best : " Do you love life ? Then do not waste time , for that is the stuff life is made of . "

  29. 他欢迎并声明尼尔‧阿姆斯特朗、巴兹‧奥尔德林、麦可‧柯林斯是「三位真正的美国英雄」,他们以踏上月球的第一步丰富美国和世界的历史。

    He welcomed and declared Neil Armstrong , Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins as " three genuine American heroes " who enriched American as well as world history by putting their first step on the moon .

  30. 有一些白头鹰甚至成为了美国的英雄。

    A few eagles have even become American heroes .