
  1. 介绍了美式涂装的发展概况、分类及工艺。

    The development situation , classification and process of American coatings are introduced .

  2. 木材着色剂是美式涂装中极其重要的涂装材料;

    Wood stain is one of the most important painting material in coating of American style furniture ;

  3. 提出了家具的美式涂装概念及其分类,并对其工艺流程进行了说明。

    This article has advanced the concept of American and European style finishing technology and its classification , and given the explanation of its technological process .

  4. 简单介绍了水性美式涂装的发展优势,详细阐述水性美式涂装所需的涂料产品,以及水性美式涂装的工艺流程。

    This paper introduces the development trend of water-borne American style application and details the needed coatings products for water-borne American style and the technological process .

  5. 分析了木材着色材料的成分、着色的方法和机理,对美式涂装中木材着色剂的化学组成和配制进行了分析和研究。

    The article analyses compositions of wood stain material and methods and mechanism of wood stain ; Especially analysing and studying chemical composition and compounding of wood stain .