
  1. 另外一个美丽的女神朱诺(JUNO)是丘比特的妻子,她给了我们JUNE(六月)的名字。

    Another beautiful goddess , Juno , the wife of Jupiter , give us the names of the month of June .

  2. 宙斯惊呆了,他见过许多美丽的女神和绝色的凡间女子,却从来没见过如此俊美的少年。

    He had seen many beauties but never saw such a good-looking boy .

  3. 你是美丽的女神像的性质

    You are beautiful like a goddess of Nature

  4. 自由可不是什么头戴冠冕的美丽的女神,穿着洁白无瑕的衣裳,象征着胜利,至高无上。

    Liberty is not a crowned goddess , beautiful , in spotless garments , victorious , supreme .

  5. 三位美丽的女神立即互相争吵起来,并且充分向牧童显示自己的美貌。

    The three holy beauties then competed with each other , showing themselves up before the shepherd .

  6. 赫拉是众神中最美丽的女神,她的象征是孔雀和母牛。

    Hera is the most beautiful of the immortals . Her symbols were the peacock and the cow .

  7. 丘比特是这个节日的另一个象征,之所以与这个节日有联系,是因为他是罗马爱情和美丽的女神维纳斯的儿子。

    Cupid , another symbol of the holiday , became associated with it because he was the son of Venus , the Roman god of love and beauty .

  8. 在关于帕里斯(特洛伊国王普里阿摩之子)的裁决的传说中,雅典娜是两位未能获得“最美丽的女神”称号的女神之一。

    In the tale of the Judgment of Paris ( son of the Trojan King Priam ), Athena was one of the two goddesses who lost the beauty content .

  9. 不和之神是个拨弄是非的家伙,他把一只金苹果扔在桌上,要奖给最美丽的女神。是你拨弄起来的吧?瘦削的老人问道。

    Discord , who was a troublemaker , threw a golden apple on the table , to be given as a prize to the most beautiful . " Have you fomented it ?" the spare old man asked .

  10. 祖母绿,你属于美丽的维纳斯女神。

    Emerald , you belong to Goddess Venus .

  11. 穷凶极恶的阿瑞斯(玛耳斯)是战争之神,而美丽动人的女神阿佛洛狄忒(维纳斯)则代表爱和美。

    The blustering Ares ( Mars ) was the god of war , and the charming Aphrodite ( Venus ) the goddess of love and beauty .

  12. 美丽、独特的性感女神。

    Beautiful , exotic , highly sexual .

  13. 每个神甚至宙斯自己都想要娶这位“美丽的,绝色的女神”为妻。

    Every god even Zeus himself wanted this " beautiful , golden goddess " as his wife .