
  • 网络NCAA Football
  1. 但是当丹尼尔让父亲检查一下帽子内部,这位父亲的喜悦变成满满的感动,因为他在帽子里发现了1月7日美国大学橄榄球冠军联赛的门票。

    But when Daniel asked Don to check what 's inside the hat , the ecstatic father turned emotional upon seeing tickets to the January 7 BCS Championship game .

  2. 奥运会开幕式是体育界的最精彩时刻,但由于去年22月我们首次报道过美国大学橄榄球事件,本周将以最糟时刻开始。

    The start of the Olympics is a high point for the sports world . But the week began on a low point for American college football in a case we first reported on last November .

  3. 对于来自美国阿拉巴马州这位父亲,这个圣诞他的儿子送给了他一份最珍贵的礼物—BCS美国大学橄榄球冠军联赛的门票。

    For an Alabama father , his son delivered the most precious gift this Christmas - a ticket to the BCS national championship .