
měi shù mínɡ xìn piàn
  • picture postcard;picture card
  1. (从)那座小山可俯瞰一片美景。他走到这套房间的起居室的窗户前,俯瞰着那犹如美术明信片般五光十色的景物。

    The hill commands a fine prospect . He walked to the window of the suite living room , observing the panoramic , picture-postcard view .

  2. 兼营:名家有限印刷品、美术书籍,艺术明信片,文房四宝,各类高档工艺礼品。

    Sideline : Limited prints from celebrities , art books , art postcards , four treasures of study and various types of high-class gifts of craftwork .