
yóu zī mínɡ xìn piàn
  • stamped postcard
  1. n.邮资明信片的邮资是多少?

    postage How much is the postage for a postcard ?

  2. (四)从邮资信封、邮资明信片、邮资邮简上剪下的邮票图案。

    Stamp patterns cut off from stamped envelopes , stamped postcards and stamped aerogrammes .

  3. 污染,残缺或者褪色,变色,难以辨认的;从邮资信封,邮资明信片,邮资邮简上剪下的邮票图案。

    The postage certificates which are contaminated , incomplete or illegible due to fading or discolouring , and stamp patterns cut from stamped envelopes , stamped postcards and stamped aerogrammes shall not be used .

  4. 第十七条邮票、邮资信封、邮资明信片、邮资邮简等邮资凭证由国务院邮政主管部门发行,任何单位或者个人不得伪造。

    Article 17 . Postage stamps , stamped envelopes , stamped postcards , stamped aerogrammes and other postage certificates shall be issued by the competent department of postal services under the State Council , and no unit or individual shall be allowed to produce false copies .

  5. 盖邮戳为表明邮资已付而在(邮件)上加上邮标或标记随函附上邮资已付的回信明信片一张。

    To place a stamp or mark on ( a piece of mail ) to show the payment of postage . A postpaid reply card is enclosed .