
  • 网络home port
  1. 天津国际邮轮母港于位于天津港东疆保税港区南端。

    Tianjin International Cruise Home Port lies at the south end of Dongjiang Bonded Port Area .

  2. 因此,建成邮轮母港、大力发展邮轮经济对大连的发展具有巨大的社会经济意义。

    Therefore building up a cruise home port , strongly developing cruise economy has a hugely meaning to develop society economy of Dalian .

  3. 深圳蛇口客运港区邮轮母港建设规模研究

    On construction scale of cruise home-port in Shenzhen Shekou harbor area

  4. 深圳港蛇口客运码头建设国际邮轮母港的规划设想

    Ideas on Planning of Constructing the Passenger Wharf of Shenzhen Port into an International Cruising Ferry Base Port

  5. 巨大的经济带动效应,使我国各个港口城市纷纷兴建邮轮母港,这时邮轮母港的区位选择就成为需要解决的问题。

    The huge economic effects make port cities in China constructing home ports , and the problem of location choice of home port needs to be resolved .

  6. 故宫博物院院长单霁翔近日在位于天津东疆的国际邮轮母港的一次演讲中透露了这一消息。

    Shan Jixiang , curator of The Palace Museum , revealed the news when he was making a speech at the Tianjin International Cruise Home Port in Dongjiang of Tianjin .

  7. 如果一个港口城市能被定位为停靠邮轮的母港,这个区域更会受到邮轮产业的巨大影响。

    If a port city can be defined as a cruise ship terminal , the region will be tremendous impact on the cruise industry .

  8. 伴随着几十年来邮轮经济的蓬勃发展,邮轮经济对本城市乃至本地区产生了重大的影响,带来的直接效益和间接效益日益明显。其中,尤以邮轮母港的效用最为明显。

    Along with the vigorous development of cruise economy for decades , this city and even the cruise economy has a significant influence in this region , the direct and indirect benefits has become increasingly apparent , especially in the utility of the cruise home port is most obvious .