
yùn fèi lǜ
  • freight rates;rate of passage
  1. 至少我们的运费率有所增加。

    At least our freight rates have increased .

  2. 船运和远洋运费率工作队

    Working Party on Shipping and Ocean Freight Rates

  3. 所以在上一步的研究基础上,又对油轮运费率和上市公司股票价格进行了Granger因果关系检验。

    On the basis of previous studies , then the paper does the Granger causality test of tanker rate and the listed tanker companies ' stock price .

  4. 二十一世纪以来在干散货航运市场运费率研究中包含FFA也渐渐成为趋势,论述了这种趋势与主要成果。

    It has been a trend to include FFA in the dry bulk shipping model in the new century , and this trend and main productions are stated .

  5. 可是这新的运费率把他的利润全一古脑儿吞掉啦。

    The new rate eat up every cent of his gains .

  6. 它尽了全力来调整运费率。

    It has adjusted rates to the best of its ability .

  7. 请告知大宗托运货物的最新运费率。

    Please let us know the present freight rates for large shipments .

  8. 混合装载货物运费率我们载货不重吧,乔治?

    Consolidated freight rate We are not a heavy load , George ?

  9. 总装载液体混合样品混合装载货物运费率

    Gross liquid mixed cargo samples consolidated freight rate

  10. 除非另有通知,上述运费率适用。

    Above rate applicable until further notice .

  11. 船方不负担装卸费的运费率

    Free in and out freight rate

  12. 了解油轮运费率同油轮公司股票价格之间的关系,可以更好地帮助决策者和投资者对企业未来的管理和投资。

    Researching the relationship between tanker freight rates and the stock price could help decisionmakers and investors .

  13. 这对不同生产商的影响是不一样的,影响的大小取决于运费率和合同价格的精确组合。

    The impact on the individual producers will differ depending on the exact combination of freight rates and contract prices .

  14. 在案件的集装箱运费率较高,其差额必须退还给供应商。

    In case the container freight rate will be higher , the difference need to be refunded to the supplier .

  15. 对近年来受到严重冲击的油轮业来说,油轮运费率的回升是一个可喜的提振。

    The rally in tanker rates is a welcome boost for an industry that has been ravaged in recent years .

  16. 传统的论证方法有净现值法,内部收益率法,投资回收期法,必要运费率法等,这些方法各有利弊,船型论证决策方案的制定应是全方位指标综合评价结果。

    The traditional evaluation methods include NPV method , IRR method , RPR method , RFR method , and so on .

  17. 而就在全球经济危机影响船运需求之际,大批新船进入市场,这也是运费率骤降的一个原因。

    A glut of new ships entering the market just as the global crisis hit demand for shipping was also a factor .

  18. 贵方(指运输公司)若能报给关于玻璃器皿的自格拉斯哥接获到利物浦交货在内的一切运费率,我们将非常高兴。

    We shall be glad if you will quote an inclusive rate for collection and delivery of Glassware from Glasgow tho Livepool .

  19. 提单提供了发货人的姓名和运载船舶的船名,装运港及目的港和运费率。

    The document quotes the name of the shipper and the carrying vessel , the ports of shipment and destination , the freight rate .

  20. 最后,得出油轮运费率和股票价格相关性结论,为投资者在进行投资决策时提供一些参考意见。

    Finally the paper draws a conclusion of their relationship , so investors in the stock market can get some suggestions from the study when making investment decisions .

  21. 按照已知的产能扩张计划,铁矿石供应的紧张形势可能在2008年结束。这对不同生产商的影响是不一样的,影响的大小取决于运费率和合同价格的精确组合。

    Based on what is known about capacity expansion plans , it is possible that the tight supply situation for iron ore will come to an end in 2008.The impact on the individual producers will differ depending on the exact combination of freight rates and contract prices .

  22. 选用净现值、内部收益率、投资回收期、必要运费率和综合经济指标作为衡量船型方案的标准,通过分析计算得出最佳的船型方案,为小型渔货船型选择提供参考。

    Taking net present value , internal rate of return , investment return period , necessary toll rate and comprehensive economic index as criteria to evaluate the ship type scheme , the optimum ship type scheme can be obtained , which will provide reference for selecting the small fishing vessel .

  23. 由于运费的波动率在运费期权定价中非常重要,所以本文专门给出了运费波动率的估算模型。

    Because the volatility in the freight option pricing is very important , we introduce the model to calculate the freight volatility .

  24. 运费费率平均议价平均运费率估价

    Average freight rate assessment