
yùn dònɡ zhuānɡ
  • sportswear
  1. 运动装的设计师必须由除了纯粹的美学以外的标准来验证。

    Designer sportswear would have to be verified by a standard other than that of pure beauty .

  2. 在时尚运动装设计中模仿设计者的生活就是这种关系的粗陋版本。

    The emulation of a designer 's life in designer sportswear was a crude version of this relationship .

  3. 我换上一身运动装。

    I changed into a tracksuit

  4. 名牌运动装并不像后来的“现代艺术”一样,模仿欧洲设计。

    Designer sportswear was not modeled on that of Europe , as " modern art " would later be .

  5. 其设计目标和商业诉求就是运动装,其突出特征就是充满解决问题的巧思和现实生活的实用性。

    The design objective and the business commitment were to sportswear , and the distinctive traits were problem-solving ingenuity and realistic lifestyle applications .

  6. 而美囯运动装设计者所证明的时尚是一种切切实实的设计艺术,要回应服务的需求。

    What the designers of the American sportswear proved was that fashion is a genuine design art , answering to the demanding needs of service .

  7. 在提交给美国一地区法庭的起诉书中,检方并没有列出耐克的名字,只是在两份文件中分别将其称为运动装企业A或E。

    Prosecutors did not name Nike in their indictment , filed to a US district court , referring to it as sportswear company A or E in two separate documents .

  8. 然后,玛丽亚·莎拉波娃(MariaSharapova)穿了一件桃红色耐克吊带连衣裙,后背是透明网眼;锦织圭穿的是优衣库橘色运动装;

    Then there was Maria Sharapova 's peach-melba Nike halter dress with sheer mesh insert in back ;

  9. 安娜·伊万诺维奇(AnaIvanovic)穿的是阿迪达斯以包豪斯学院(Bauhaus)为灵感的樱桃色/玫瑰色/珊瑚色运动装;

    Ana Ivanovic 's cherry / rose / coral graphic Bauhaus-inspired Adidas ;

  10. 在提交给美国一地区法庭的起诉书中,检方并没有列出耐克的名字,只是在两份文件中分别将其称为“运动装企业A”或“E”。

    Prosecutors did not name Nike in their indictment , filed to a US district court , referring to it as " sportswear company A " or " E " in two separate documents .

  11. 卡洛琳·沃兹尼亚奇(CarolineWozniacki)穿的是斯特拉·麦卡特尼(StellaMcCartney)为阿迪达斯(Adidas)设计的日落色运动装;

    Kei Nishikori 's Uniqlo tangerine dream ; Caroline Wozniacki 's sunset-toned Stella McCartney for Adidas ;

  12. 据欧睿(Euromonitor)的说法,去年美国运动装零售销售额达到910亿美元。

    Last year , retail sales of sportswear in the US reached $ 91bn , Euromonitor says .

  13. 出售中档价位运动装的优衣库(Uniqlo)称,它在自家精纺的美利奴羊毛毛衣上就用了一种去毛球法。

    Uniqlo , which sells moderately priced sportswear , says it uses a pill-reducing treatment on its worsted merino-wool sweaters .

  14. 为超越耐克(NikeInc.)成为中国最大的运动装品牌,阿迪达斯(AdidasAG)将会瞄准高端时装和童装等小众市场。

    Adidas AG will aim at niches such as high fashion and children 's wear as it seeks to overtake Nike Inc. in China and become the nation 's top sports-apparel brand .

  15. 洪良国际为卡帕(kappa)和美津浓(mizuno)等国际运动装公司生产布料,同时以麦根(mxn)品牌出售自己的产品。

    Hontex manufactures fabrics for global sportswear companies such as kappa and Mizuno , as well as selling its own products under the mxn brand .

  16. 在迅速增长了几年并因2008年北京奥运会获得营销提振后,李宁将自己重新定义为一家高端运动装企业,计划与耐克(nike)和阿迪达斯(adidas)正面交锋。

    After growing rapidly for several years and receiving a marketing boost from the Beijing Olympics in 2008 , Li-Ning planned to compete head-to-head with Nike and Adidas by rebranding itself as a higher-end sportswear company .

  17. 不断发酵的国际足联(Fifa)腐败丑闻可能牵涉到巴西国家足球队的赞助商&美国运动装企业耐克(Nike),以及在拉美赞助足球运动的其他跨国企业。

    The growing scandal over corruption at Fifa is threatening to entangle Nike , the US sportswear company that is a sponsor of the Brazilian national football squad , and other multinational sponsors of the game in Latin America .

  18. 比如卡罗琳·戈戈拉克(CarolineGogolak),她是运动装公司Carbon38的联合创始人,公司总部在洛杉矶,她住在纽约。

    Especially if you 're Caroline Gogolak , co-founder of the activewear company Carbon38 , whose headquarters are in Los Angeles . She lives in New York .

  19. 这不由得让我想起了纪梵希(Givenchy),两位英国年轻设计师,他们对于纪梵希久负盛名的花哨图案与运动装设计立下大功。

    This came to mind at Givenchy . I can think of two British graduates whose work has had a major impact on the Givenchy signature of loud graphics and sportswear cuts .

  20. 比较平民化的有优衣库卖得很好的Heattech和Airism系列内衣,以及多个品牌提供的舒适排汗运动装。

    More commonplace examples include Uniqlo , which has been successful with its Heattech and Airism underlayers , and a number of brands making shirts meant to offer the comfort and sweat-wicking properties of athletic wear .

  21. 我乘电梯上五楼运动装部。

    I took the elevator to sports wear on the fifth floor .

  22. 猫倒是不肯穿运动装。

    Cats , however , refuse to wear sporting apparel .

  23. 你会在运动装部找到网球鞋的。

    You 'll find tenhis shoes in the sportswear department .

  24. 运动装最好使用全棉或粘胶长丝织物作牵条。

    In better sportswear , cotton or rayon bias binding is used .

  25. 运动装除了适合晚餐约会穿着之外,也适合上班穿着。

    Sportswear is appropriate for the office as well as a dinner date .

  26. 所以我将选择运动装色彩方向做我的论文对象。

    Therefore , I will choose colors sportswear direction the object of my thesis .

  27. 穿着一套运动装她显得更年轻了。

    She looks younger with a sports suit .

  28. 卡尔·迈耶:具有紧绷效果的运动装

    Karl Mayer : Sportswear with compression effects

  29. 看,运动装帅哥。

    There he is . Sport coat .

  30. 带有运动装风格的休闲服饰;

    relaxed pieces with an active-wear influence ;