
  • 网络elastic yarn
  1. PTT在编织过程中可以不必添加其它任何用以支撑的长丝,所以它不用制成包芯纱就可以直接作为弹性纱使用,从而减少了加工工序。

    During the knitting procedure , PTT does not need to be made the core-spun yarns and can be used as separate elastic yarns , thus the processing is shortened .

  2. 采用弹性纱制织的织物是时装业的流行趋势。

    The fabrics made with elastic yarns become fashion trends in clothing .

  3. 弹性纱在高速织机上的加工

    Processing of Elastane Yarns on High-Speed Weaving Machine

  4. 采用弹性纱缝制针织服装和袜品

    Sewing of Knitwear and Hosiery Using Elastane Yarn

  5. 世界弹性纱生产能力扩大

    Worldwide Expansion for Elastane Yarns

  6. 有机织饰带特性的缎带,含弹性纱或橡盘线重量占5%或5%以上

    Galloon , having the character of woven ribbons containing by weight 5 % or more of elastomeric yarn or rubber thread

  7. 织窄幅弹力织物(不包括玻璃纤维布),含弹性纱或橡筋线重量达5%或5%以上

    Textile fabric ( excl. of glass fibres ), narrow , woven , elastic , containing by weight 5 % or more of elastomeric yarn or rubber thread

  8. 拉伸性能测试表明,其拉伸曲线表现出与非弹性纱针织物不同的特征,其曲线与纬编弹性针织物一样具备明显的三个不同阶段。

    Tensile properties testing indicates that its tensile curve showing non-elastic yarns and knitted fabric characteristics of different , the curve as with weft-elastic knitted fabrics have obvious three different stages .

  9. 金银线镶边衣物的装饰必镶边,如流通带、饰带或金属珠子机织窄幅织物,金属线或含金属纱织成,用于服装或装饰,含弹性纱或橡筋线重量占5%或5%以上

    Ornamental trimming for a garment , as braid , lace , or metallic beads . fabric narrow woven of metal thread or metallized yarn for clothing or furnishings containing by weight 5 % or more of elastomeric yarn or rubber thread

  10. 弹性长丝纱的卷曲回复率试验法

    Testing method for crimp recovery of stretch filament yarn

  11. 本文探讨了PTT纤维的性能,并详细介绍了PTT弹性纱线筒子纱、PTT复合纤维面料以及PTT地毯等特殊PTT纤维产品的染整加工工艺。

    This paper covers the properties of PTT fiber and in detail elucidates the dyeing and finishing process of PTT elastic yarn cheese , PTT composite fiber material and PTT carpet etc.

  12. 分析了转杯速度、牵伸倍数、捻系数对弹性转杯纱性能的影响,并通过正交试验对工艺参数进行了优化。

    Three technical parameters , the rotor speed , twist modulus and combing roller speed have great influence on the yarn quality of rotor spinning .

  13. 尤其适用于制造特种面丝弹性包芯纱,例如金属丝弹性包芯纱。

    The core-spun yarn has good weaving performance , and is particularly suitable for making special surface wire elastic core-spun yarns such as metal wire elastic core-spun yarns .

  14. 参数分析结果表明,轴向弹性模量随轴纱与编织纱线密度之比和节距长度的增加呈增加趋势。

    Parametric studies show that the axial elastic modulus of the composites increases with increasing the linear density ratio of axial yarn to braider yarns and pitch length .

  15. 氨纶包缠纱由氨纶提供弹性,由包缠在氨纶外侧的非弹性纱决定纱线的强力。

    The elasticity of the wrapped spandex yarn is provided by the spandex whilst the non-elastic yarn wrapped outside the yarn spandex decides the tenacity .

  16. 但由于氨纶价格昂贵、生产投资大、纺纱工艺复杂、消耗大和有些织物并不需要如此高弹性等原因,有必要研究开发价格便宜、低弹性纤维的纱和织物来满足市场要求。

    Owing to the high price , big investment , the complicated spinning process and other reasons , it is necessary to develop the lower elastic yarn and fabric to satisfy the requirement of customer .