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  • Pantyhose;tights;panty hose
  1. 所谓的“波霸餐厅”灵感源于美国猫头鹰餐厅Hooters,这家已经经营了30年的老牌连锁店以穿着超短裤和奇怪橙色连裤袜的大胸妹子服务员而著称。

    The so-called " breastaurants " take inspiration from Hooters , the 30-year-old chain known for big-breasted waitresses wearing short shorts and oddly orange pantyhose .

  2. Debenhams丝袜买手乔安娜·汤森说:“裸色丝袜是最好的保持时尚的秘密武器。这是女性对抗冬天来临的一个武器,金秋时日穿着黑色不透明的连裤袜太沉闷了。”

    Debenhams hosiery buyer , Joanna Townsend , said : " Nude hosiery is one of fashion 's best kept secrets . It 's a woman 's weapon to fight the onset of winter , when wearing black opaque tights is just too depressing on a golden autumn 's day . "

  3. 我最喜欢的搭配就是我的闪闪雨鞋和大黄蜂连裤袜

    My favorite outfit was the glittery boots and my bumblebee tights

  4. 你们相信这条连裤袜我只花了5分钱就买到吗?

    Can you believe I got these pantyhose for a nickel ?

  5. 我还特意从“装腰店”买了一双新的连裤袜。

    I even bought new panty hose from dooahnay rayahdey .

  6. 选择颜色更加自然的连裤袜。

    Ditch the pantyhose for a more natural look .

  7. 那后来美丽的雨鞋和条纹连裤袜怎么样了

    So , what happened to these gorgeous wellies and stripy tights ? Ah !

  8. 骄傲地穿上你的条纹连裤袜

    Wear those stripy legs with pride

  9. 小常识:20世纪60年代迷你裙流行起来后,连裤袜也随之风靡。

    Fact : Pantyhose became popular in the 1960s , as a result of the invention of the miniskirt .

  10. 这种连裤袜有很多颜色,确保橄榄肤色人种、印度人、混血人种以及拥有黑色肌肤的女士都可以尝试这一趋势。

    The tights will be available in various different shades to ensure that those with olive , Indian , mixed race and black skin will also be able to try out the trend .

  11. 实际上,汽车表面的涂层,地板表面的油漆,甚至编制连裤袜的尼龙布,都是聚合物,也就是由一些很长很长的链状分子结在一起,形成的强韧化学聚合物。

    The paint on your car , the varnish on your floor , even the nylon in your panty hose are all polymers - extremely long chains of molecules held together by strong chemical bonds .

  12. 其着装要求还规定了可以接受的指甲油颜色(紫红色是允许的,但绿色不行),还有关于连裤袜的规定(肤色较深的人必须穿黑色,而其他所有人必须穿“肉色”)。

    It also regulates acceptable colours of nail polish ( plum is OK but green is not ) and lays down rules for tights ( black for darker skin tones and " natural " for everyone else ) .