
  • 网络connectivity;CONNECT;degree;Conn.D
  1. 提出了一种改进的基于模糊连接度和Voronoi图的混合分割算法。

    Presented an improved hybrid segmentation algorithm based on fuzzy connectivity and Voronoi diagram .

  2. 景观结构退化即景观破碎化,是指景观中各生态系统之间的各种功能联系断裂或连接度(connectivity)减少的现象;

    Landscape structure degradation , that is landscape fragmentation , is defined as the phenomenon that functional diversity relationships are ruptured or connectivity is reduced among ecosystems within the landscape .

  3. 基于模糊连接度的交互式CT图像分割算法

    Interactive algorithm based on fuzzy connectedness for CT image segmentation

  4. 提出了一种基于模糊连接度的SPOT图像公路信息全自动提取算法。

    A fuzzy connectedness - based road automatic extraction method from SPOT image is presented .

  5. 我们针对医学图像的模糊特点和实际应用的要求,结合模糊连接度阈值分割和模糊C均值聚类两种分割方法的优点,提出一种新的交互式医学图像分割方法。

    Considering the fuzzy character of medical images and requirement of practicability , we present a two-stage interactive image segmentation method .

  6. 一种多连接度的多层移动IPv6网络架构

    A Multi-degree Network Framework for Hierarchical Mobile IPv6

  7. 基于最高连接度的WSN交叠分簇算法

    The Overlap Clustering Algorithm for WSN Based on Highest-Connectivity

  8. 结合模糊连接度理论和SPOT影像上道路的表现特性提出了主干道路半自动提取的方法。

    The new method of road semi-automatic extraction was proposed , which was based on multiseeded-fuzzy connectedness combined with road feature in SPOT image .

  9. 基于模糊连接度的FCM分割方法在医学图像分析中的应用

    Application of a new medical image segmentation method based on fuzzy connectedness and FCM

  10. 研究表明,Internet网络中节点的连接度服从幂律分布,且具有无标度(scale-free)特性。

    Research shows that , degrees of nodes in the Internet follow the power-law distribution , and have characteristics of scale-free .

  11. 双层卫星网络中MEO与LEO卫星连接度分析

    Analysis of Connected-Degree in MEO / LEO Double Layer Satellite Networks

  12. 利用传染病学的SIR模型,研究网络的连接度和扰乱几率对小世界网络动力学行为的影响。

    The influence of connection degree and harassment probability of network to the dynamic behavior of small-world network is studied by using SIR model of lemology .

  13. 增大剪力连接度η和纵向综合力比Rp(中支座负弯矩区)连续组合梁仍然有很好的延性;

    Those beams with bigger degree of shear connection and longitudinal force ratio in the negative moment zone of interior support still have good ductility .

  14. 根据所设计的多层卫星网络的星座参数,通过对层间链路几何特性的研究,分析了多层卫星网络中MEO卫星与LEO卫星的连接度性能。

    Considering certain constellation parameters , the geometric characteristics of IOLs are described and the connectivity of MEO satellites and LEO satellites in the DLSN is analyzed .

  15. 大多数复杂网络的背后都隐藏着一个普遍的组织规律:非标度性,即网络的连接度分布服从幂法则(p(k)-k-λ),网络被少数具有大量连接的节点所主宰。

    Traditionally these networks have been modeled as random graphs . Recent researches find that most complex networks hide generic mechanisms and order : scale-free , namely , the degree of the network follows the power law ( p ( k ) - k - λ) .

  16. 通过对不同连接度的网络进行仿真,结果表明,相比全网收敛机制,HERA缩短了收敛时间,有效增强了网络的稳定性。

    Simulation results show that , in networks with different connectivity , HERA can trigger global convergence as little as possible , failure recovery time is shortened , and the stability of the network is enhanced effectively .

  17. FCCN网络的基本组成部分是一个8结点的超正方体,网络中每个结点的连接度为一个常数,随着结点数目的增加,网络会自动扩展到高一层,不影响原有网络的结构。

    The basic composition of FCCN is a hypercube of 8 nodes . Since each node of FCCN has a constant node degree , the newly-entered node will be located in higher layer automatically and make no effect to the former structure .

  18. 基于模糊连接度搜索算法的近胸膜肺结点的检测

    Detection of juxta-pleura lung nodules based on fuzzy connectivity searching algorithm

  19. 基于注意计算模型的医学图像模糊连接度分割

    Computational Model of Attention Based Medical Image Segmentation Using Fuzzy Connectedness

  20. 给定平均连接度的无标度网络演化模型

    Evolving Model for Scale-free Network with Given Mean Connected Degree

  21. 基于模糊连接度的卫星图像道路提取新方法

    Relative-Fuzzy-Connectedness-Based Road Extraction New Method from Remote Sensing Image

  22. 景观生态林建设适宜网络连接度技术研究

    Study on Connectivity Technology of Construction of Landscape Ecological Forest Adapted for Network

  23. 因特网拓扑演化及其节点平均连接度的分形研究

    Research on Internet Topology Evolution and the Fractal of Average Degree of Nodes

  24. 上海市城市景观生态网络连接度评价

    The connectivity evaluation of Shanghai urban landscape eco-network

  25. 模糊连接度用模糊关系描述了图像中两个像素之间的关联程度。

    The connectedness employs fuzzy relationship to describe the analogy of two neighboring pixels .

  26. 临界耦合强度和连接度之间的定性关系接近于S型曲线,随着连接度的增大,临界耦合强度也越大。

    The relationship between critical coupling intensity and linked degree closes to sigmoid curve .

  27. 基于最小费用模型的景观连接度评价

    Evaluation of landscape connectivity based on least-cost model

  28. 最大连接度算法思想是尽量减少分群数目。最小移动速度算法思想是尽量保持网络稳定性。

    The Highest-Degree algorithm minimizes the number of clustering , The Lowest-speed algorithm maintains group-dividing stability .

  29. 由于斑块密度较大,连接度却高于整体。

    But with a relative higher PD , its CONNECT is higher than that of the whole .

  30. 结果表明:有林地与无林地的景观连接度有明显差异,无林地的景观连接度普遍大于有林地;

    The results showed that the landscape connectivity index of non-woodland was significantly higher than that of woodland .