
  • 网络Propaganda model;the press agent model
  1. 这种国家-媒体-受众的自上而下的宣传模式具有极大的影响力,《人民日报》的环境报道显示出策划性、指导性、鼓动性、说教性、政策性的色彩。

    This country-the media-audience of top-down propaganda model has a great influence . Environmental reporting in the newspaper showing the planning , guidance , and a call to action , preaching , policy-color .

  2. 网络环境下图书馆资源与服务宣传模式探索&上海交通大学图书馆宣传案例分析

    Exploration of the Propaganda Pattern of the Library Resources and the Service Under Network Environment

  3. 然后提出了作者所说的新闻宣传模式,并深入分析了其特点。

    Then the dissertation introduces the pattern of Press Publicity and Persuasion and explores its characters .

  4. 大品牌很难将对传统体育的赞助和广告宣传模式复制到电子竞技行业当中。

    Big brands find it hard to fit their traditional sports sponsorship and advertising models onto eSports .

  5. 尤其是近年来,依靠传统的宣传模式已逐渐显露出了许多的缺陷。

    In recent years , relying on the traditional mode of propaganda has gradually revealed many defects .

  6. 其中,静态保护模式是基础,开发模式对宣传模式有正面的影响和促进作用。

    The static reserve pattern is the basis , while the development pattern has a good influence and promotion on publicity pattern .

  7. 传统的电视、广播、报纸等宣传模式已经无法满足当今社会日益增长的物质和非物质文化需求。

    Traditional TV , radio , newspapers and other propaganda models have been unable to meet the ever-growing material and non-material cultural needs of modern society .

  8. 目的了解公民对无偿献血的认识情况,探索适应的宣传模式,促进无偿献血工作可持续健康发展。

    Objective To understand the recognition of free blood donation among the citizens and probe into a mode for publicity of blood donation to promote the free blood donation .

  9. 《无冬之夜》的原型目前有两个模组,包含了战役的主要海上部分,而我将坚持放出大量信息的宣传模式。

    The NWN prototype currently has two modules that consist of the main sea faring portion of the campaign and I 'll probably stick to that model for the number of releases .

  10. 目前地市台时政新闻报道模式僵化,尤其是对会议和领导活动的报道,陷入了固定的宣传模式之中。

    The news report mode of current political events in some district and city stations , especially the report on the meetings and activities of leaders have fallen into the regular propaganda mode .

  11. 在千龙新闻网等国内重点网站设立奥运网页,形成国内外全方位覆盖的立体宣传模式。

    Web pages devoted to the Olympics are to be found on such important websites as the 21 Dragon News Network . This will allow for comprehensive publicity covering both China and the rest of the world .

  12. 随着信息技术的不断演化,计算机网络、多媒体信息资源技术的飞速发展,以及现代化的多媒体信息资源改革的不断推进,延续几千年的传统宣传模式已不能适应适应未来科学发展的需求。

    With the constant evolution of information technology , computer networks , the rapid development of multimedia information resources , and the reform of modern multimedia information resources continue to promote the continuation of thousands of years of traditional propaganda mode can not meet the future scientific development needs .

  13. 宣传的模式是投机取巧的,诡辩是可恶性的

    The modes of propaganda are opportunistic and the polemics can be vicious .

  14. 城市化初期居民出生缺陷知识需求及宣传教育模式

    Optimal channels of education and communication on birth defects prevention among citizens of early stage of urbanization

  15. 建筑工地流动人口性病艾滋病流动宣传干预模式的研究

    A Study on Intervention Model of Floating Propagandizing for STD / AIDS among Floating Population of Construction Sites

  16. 在当前高校马克思主义大众化进程中,传统的宣传教育模式己不能适应新形式的发展。

    In the current in Marxism popularization , the traditional education model already cannot adapt to the new forms of development .

  17. 同时也提出了营销策划方面的建议,在传统广告宣传的模式的基础上,追加复合式宣传多渠道一体化模式。

    At the meantime , it raised the advice on marketing plan , including multiple declare channels together at the basis of traditional advertise mode .

  18. 目的探索无偿献血宣传教育模式,提高无偿献血率,确保临床用血的需要和安全。

    Objective To explore the mode of propaganda and education for donating blood voluntarily and to enhance the proportion of donators unpaid for ensuring the blood safety .

  19. 稻城亚丁生态旅游发展应采取综合开发的模式(观光度假模式、民俗文化风情体验模式、科普教育模式、旅游宣传纪念模式)。

    Inagi Aden eco-tourism development should be taken to the comprehensive development of the model ( the tourist resort model , folk culture and customs experience model , popular science education model , the tourism promotion Memorial mode ) .

  20. 微博广告宣传的商业模式很简单。

    The business model for microblog advertising is simple .

  21. 湖北省推行消防宣传教育423模式的实践初探

    The beginning explores for practices about the mode of " 423 " propaganda and education of fire-protection in Hubei

  22. 提出了以顾客需求为中心的专利信息服务与宣传的营销模式。

    Making the customer needs as the center , the marketing mode of the patent information service are also proposed .

  23. 行业主要是从宣传、融资模式选择和征信体系三方面说明。

    Lastly , in the industry aspects , the suggestions are about advocacy , financing mode selection and credit reporting system .

  24. 应用生态管理学包括产业生态管理,城镇生态管理和区域生态管理.论文主要从生态管理、信息平台、政策与宣传、现有模式等诸方面进行探讨思考。

    The paper focuses on the construction of EIP that includes ecology management , information platform , police and the current model .

  25. 建立社会、学校、家庭、社区、街道居民委员会、经济部门、群众团体、机关、街道媒体四结合的宣传思想工作模式;

    Set up four propaganda thought work patterns combined of society , school , family , community , neighborhood committee , economic department , mass organization , organ , street media ;

  26. 但是,由于增值业务的种类较多,推出的速度较快,采用传统的业务宣传和推荐模式已经不能满足实际情况的需要。

    However , because of the abundant kinds and the fast development speed of value-added business in market , traditional business promotion and recommendation model can not meet the needs in actual situation .

  27. 面对这一发展潮流,企业实施生态管理、实现生态转型势在必行。论文主要从生态管理、信息平台、政策与宣传、现有模式等诸方面进行探讨思考。

    For this , it is necessary for enterprise to enforce eco-management and make the ecology transitional . The paper focuses on the construction of EIP that includes ecology management , information platform , police and the current model .

  28. 军事新闻宣传传统的宣传模式和新闻理念面对不断发展变化的受众群体显露出强烈落差和不足:宣传报道面窄,难以全面反映部队丰富多彩的生活和官兵的精神风貌;

    Faced with continuously changing receptors , traditional patterns of propaganda and concept of military news dissemination has revealed its weakness : the narrow coverage can hardly mirror the colorful life and mental attitude of officers and men in basic units ;

  29. 结论天津市居民还没有形成良好的饮食习惯,食物与营养宣传教育工作亟待加强,应针对居民饮食现状建立食物与营养宣传教育模式。

    Conclusions The dietetic habits in residents of Tianjin was still not satisfied . It is necessary to strengthen the propaganda and education of the nutrition and food hygiene in residents and explore an effective education model for them .