首页 / 词典 / good

  • declare;announce;proclaim;lead off
  • 公开说出,散布:~讲。~传。~战。~称。~言。~叙调。心照不~。

  • 疏导:~泄。

  • 古代帝王的大室。

  • 皇帝命令或传达皇帝的命令:~付。~召(皇帝召见)。~诏(传旨)。

  • 姓。


(公开说出来; 传播、散布出去)declare; proclaim; announce:

  • 秘而不宣

    keep sth. secret; not let anyone into a secret;

  • 心照不宣

    have a tacit understanding;

  • 宣赦

    proclaim a general amnesty;

  • 宣示

    declare; make known publicly;

  • 宣旨

    announce an imperial decree


(疏导) lead off (liquids); drain:

  • 宣泄洪水

    drain off floodwater


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 宣明

    Xuan Ming

  1. 众人都起了敬畏的心,宣说上帝的作为,沉思上帝所作的。

    All mankind will fear ; they will proclaim the works of God and ponder what he has done .

  2. 别忘记,你宣过誓要讲实话。

    Remember , you have sworn to tell the truth .

  3. 5月,教皇约翰·保罗将为吉安娜·贝雷塔行宣福礼。

    In May , Pope John Paul is to beatify Gianna Beretta .

  4. 这家发行量甚大的周刊靠宣染性、罪和丑闻打开销路

    The weekly with large fattens on sex , crime and scandal .

  5. 你在两天以后被宣到了检察官的办公室。

    You 've been summoned to the Prosecutors ' Office , 2 days later .

  6. 霍光死后,有人向宣帝告发此案,宣帝派人去调查处理。

    After Huo Guang died , Emperor Xuandi was informed of the case . Someone was sent to investigate it .

  7. 齐宣王爱好射箭,又喜欢听别人奉承自己能够开硬弓。

    King Xuan of the state of Qi was fond of archery , and he liked to hear others ' flattery on his ability to stretch tight bows .

  8. 竘曾经给宣王治疗过痔疮,医术高超,听了张仪这番话,心头的压力一下子就没有了。

    Sheng Gou had cured the carbuncle of King Xuan before , and was a skilful2 doctor . Hearing what Zhang Yi said , the doctor felt no pressure at all .

  9. 40年来,中国日报发挥自身优势,积极宣介中国改革发展,为讲好中国故事、传播中国声音发挥了重要作用。

    Over the past 40 years , China Daily has given full play to its strengths and actively presented China 's reform and development , playing an important role in telling China 's story well and making its voice heard .

  10. 显著降低血浆P物质水平,试验组明显优于对照组单纯西药治疗,可能是疏风宣肺、通窍化痰中药的作用机制之一。

    A significant reduction in the substance P. The treatment group was significantly better than the control group , western medicine alone .

  11. FinancialAnalystsJournal最近的一个分析显示,以房价与家庭收入比来衡量,与历史水平相比,全美国范围内的房价仍不便宣。

    A recent analysis in the Financial Analysts Journal suggested prices nationwide still weren 't cheap by historical standards in relation to household incomes .

  12. 国产化设备CSR钻进技术在宣东煤田的应用

    Application of CSR drilling technique with equipment made in China in East Xuanhua coal field

  13. 按照日程表上的计划,直到2月底宣美仍将继续与WonderGirls一起在美国进行活动。

    Mimi will remain with the Wonder Girls in the U.S. , continuing with any scheduled performances and activities until the end of February .

  14. 指纹图谱结合化学计量学在中药质量控制中的研究用HPLC指纹图谱全定性全定量控制通宣理肺丸质量

    The Quality Control of Traditional Chinese Medicine Using Fingerprint with the Aid of Chemometrics Overal qualitative and quantitative control of Tongxuan Lifei pills by HPLC fingerprints

  15. 对宣木瓜叶进行TLC定性研究,发现其中含有具有活性的齐墩果酸。

    Qualitative research on leaves in Chinese flowering quince was done by TLC , and activated oleanolic acid was found .

  16. HPLC法测定川贝止嗽合剂中甘草的含量清热化痰,宣肺止咳。用于治疗感冒后咳嗽、气管炎咳嗽。

    Determination of glycyrrhizinate in Chuanbei Zhisou Mixture by HPLC Clearing heat and transforming phlegm ; diffusing the lung and suppressing cough , due to colds and acute bronchitis .

  17. 宣木瓜酒发酵过程中主要成分含量的变化结果表明,主发酵前维生素C为95.2mg/100g、总黄酮16.3mg/100g、齐墩果酸135mg/100g。

    Before primary fermentation , the content of vitamin C , total flavone and oleanolic acid in the wine were 95.2 mg / 100 g , 16.3 mg / 100 g and 135 mg / 100 g respectively .

  18. 清化宣肺汤治疗痰热郁肺型慢性支气管炎疗效观察清肺化痰汤合红霉素对COPD痰热阻肺证大鼠模型的疗效及机理探讨

    A Study on the Curative Effects and Mechanism of Qingfei Huatan Decoction Combined with Erythromycin in Rat Model of COPD with Syndrome of Retention of Phlegm-Heat in the Lung

  19. 结果显示,疏风宣肺法对CVA有明显的治疗作用,总有效率为96.7%,对照组总效率为66.7%两组总体疗效比较有显著差异(P<0.01)。

    It was shown that the effective rate was 96.67 % with the treatment , which is better than the group with the Western drug treatment ( P < 0.05 ) .

  20. 临床研究:目的:(1)客观评价宣痹洗剂治疗KOA的临床疗效。

    Objectively evaluate the clinical efficacy of treating the knee osteoarthritis by Xuan Bi lotion . 2 .

  21. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)分析师王安亚(FrankWang)表示,他认为宣明智的主要目标仅限于确保台湾拥有自主开发的D-Ram技术。

    Frank Wang , analyst at Morgan Stanley , said he believed Mr Hsuan 's main goal was limited to ensuring that Taiwan had homegrown D-Ram technology .

  22. 小儿宣肺止咳颗粒抗流感及CVB6病毒药效学的实验观察

    Experimental Observation of Pharmaceutic Effects of Children Xuan Fei Zhi Ke Granules on Influenza Virus and CVB_6 Strain

  23. 并用石英晶体微天平(QCM)宣检测了银纳料粒子的相转移量。

    Quartz Crystal Microbalance ( QCM ) was also used to measure the transferred colloidal quantity for Ag nanoparticles .

  24. 目的根据中医理论和临床实践,对慢性阻塞性肺病(COPD)急性发作期的发病机理、辨证施治、理法方药的作用机理进行探讨,提出通阳泄浊、宣痹开结的治法。

    Objective : According to the theory of TCM and the clinical practice , reaching the treatment of COPD in acute attack period , and suggesting the therapy Activating Stagnated Yang .

  25. 宣美,WonderGirls其他成员,她的家人,以及JYP已经共同决定暂时停止她的演艺事业。

    Mimi , the rest of the Wonder Girls members , her family , and JYP Entertainment have collectively decided to postpone her musical career for the time being .

  26. 结论:肺卫失宣时IL-1β、IL-6水平升高,反映温病初期体内存在炎症反应和免疫应答。

    Conclusion : In sluggishness of lung-wei , the increase of serum levels of IL-1 β, IL-6 reflect the inflammatory reaction and immune response in the early stage of acute febrile disease .

  27. 美国官员、公司总裁以及世界银行常务董事穆里亚尼宣星期六布了食品安全伙伴关系基金的成立,用以帮助APEC成员和其它国家和地区获得食品安全的保证。

    American officials , corporate executives and World Bank managing director Sri Mulyani Indrawati announced a partnership Saturday to help APEC members and others ensure the safety of their food .

  28. 结果表明:果心中的PPO活性明显高于果皮和果肉,宣木瓜组织的褐变主要是由多酚氧化酶引起;

    Result shows : PPO activity is obviously higher in core than in the peel and flesh , browning in Chaenomeles speciosa S.Nakai organization is mainly caused by the polyphenol oxidase ;

  29. 结论:VIP可能为反映卫分证实质的客观实验指标及肺卫失宣的物质基础,且与病位无关;

    Conclusion : VIP may be an index reflecting the pathology of weifen syndrome , and it is one of the material foundations of sluggishness of lung-defensive qi , but it has nothing to do with the infected internal organs .

  30. 奥莉薇娅·柯尔曼(OliviaColman)已确认将出演女王,奈飞尚未官宣老年菲利普亲王的选角。

    Olivia Colman is already confirmed to be taking over as the monarch , but Netflix is yet to announce who will play the older Prince Philip .