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zì shā wèi suì
  • attempted suicide
  1. 自杀未遂与5-羟色胺2A受体基因的关联分析

    Association analysis of attempted suicide and 5 - HT 2A receptor gene

  2. 结果抑郁、情感冲突、给予了朋友精神支持、载脂蛋白E(ApoE-E),2/3、低人均月收入、对现在生活不满意、吸烟、内向性格是自杀未遂的重要分类因素。

    Results The important classification factors of attempted suicide were depression , affective conflicts having given spirit support to friends , ApoE-E2 / 3 , low monthly income per person , dissatisfaction with life now , cigarette smoking , introversion character .

  3. 他自杀未遂。

    He did not succeed in committing suicide .

  4. 大卫自杀未遂。

    David was an unsuccessful suicide .

  5. 自杀未遂者的躯体化、强迫症状、人际关系敏感、抑郁、焦虑、敌对、恐怖、偏执、精神病性因子分均高于对照组,差异显著(P0.01)。

    There were significant differences from somatization , constraint , anxiety , hostility , interpersonal relationship sensitiveness , depression , paranoia , phobophobia and psychotic factors between two groups ( P0.01 ) .

  6. 方法以海南琼海市急救中心自杀未遂病人为调查对象,调查1996年4月至2000年4月自杀未遂病例167例,用SPSS软件做描述性流行病学分析。

    Methods 167 attempted suicidal cases of Qionghai municipal first aid centre of Hainan province were investigated from April 1996 to April 2000 , and the data were analyzed with SPSS soft ware .

  7. 方法用自制调查表对4所市县级综合医院诊治的325例自杀未遂者进行包括精神科检查在内的2~3h的调查。

    Methods We administered a 2-3 hour interview that included a structured psychiatric examination to 325 individuals with suicide attempts who were treated at four city and county-level general hospitals .

  8. 方法采用统一调查表,应用分层整群抽样的方法调查广州市8所中学和8所小学学生8100名,并通过多因素Logistic回归模型筛选出自杀未遂的危险因素。

    Methods Stratified random cluster sampling was taken selecting about 8100 students from 8 high school and 8 primary schools in Guangzhou , questionnaire , survey was used , and multivariate logistic regression analysis was performed to assess factors for attempted suicide .

  9. 方法用自制自杀未遂统计表逐项填写临床资料,并用CCMD-3诊断标准进行回顾性诊断。

    Methods To collect the patients ' clinical data with a statistical table made by ourselves and to do retrospective diagnosis with CCMD-III.

  10. 目的了解汉族人群自杀未遂的环境危险因素、儿茶酚胺氧位甲基转移酶(COMT)158/108基因多态性与自杀未遂有无关联。

    Objective To understand the environmental risk factors on attempted suicide , and to study the interaction between factors as gene polymorphism of catechol-O-methyltransferase ( COMT ) associated to attempted suicide .

  11. 自杀未遂者相关因素及其临床特点对照研究

    Comparative study of related factors and clinical features of attempted suicide

  12. 就精神分裂症自杀未遂发生的有关因素进行了讨论。

    Authors discussed the factors related to schizophrenia with attempted suicide .

  13. 我当事人五天前才自杀未遂。

    It 's been five days since my client attempted suicide .

  14. 他曾三次自杀未遂,这次终于成功了。

    He 'd attempted suicide three times before he actually succeeded .

  15. 166例自杀未遂者的临床分析与心理干预

    Clinical analysis and psychological intervention of 166 cases of not accomplished suicide

  16. 他将一位自杀未遂者从河里拖上来。

    He pulled a would-be suicide out of a river .

  17. 某部新兵自杀未遂心理社会危险因素调查

    Studies on risk factors of suicidal attempts in the recruits

  18. 自杀未遂影响因素与高危人群的分类树分析

    Classification tree analysis on epidemic factors and high-risk populations of attempted suicide

  19. 自杀未遂与5-羟色胺转运体基因的连锁不平衡研究

    The Linkage Disequilibrium Study of the Serotonin Transporter Gene and Attempted Suicide

  20. 她第二次自杀未遂。

    She failed in her second attempt to commit suicide .

  21. 抑郁症的自杀未遂及其危险因素分析

    An analysis of attempted suicide in major depression and the associated risk factors

  22. 成都市区中学生自杀未遂的现况调查

    A cross-sectional study on suicide attempts in urban middle school students in Chengdu

  23. 广州市青少年自杀未遂及其影响因素研究

    A Study on Adolescent Attempted Suicide and Its Influencing Factors in Guangzhou City

  24. 冲动性人格与自杀未遂的病例对照研究

    Case-control study on relationship between impulsiveness and suicide attempt

  25. 自杀未遂抑郁症患者海马代谢的磁共振质子波谱研究

    A Proton Magnetic Spectroscopy Research on Hippocampus Metabolisms in People with Suicide-attempted Depressions

  26. 自杀未遂者的一般特征与自杀行为特征

    General Features of the Attempted Suicides and Suicide Characteristics

  27. 农村地区综合医院诊治的自杀未遂病人的特征

    Characteristics of Serious Suicide Attempts treated in General Hospitals

  28. 79例精神分裂症自杀未遂的病例对照分析

    A Case-control Study of 79 Schizophrenics with Attempted Suicide

  29. 他的自杀未遂第一次表明是他多么抑郁。

    His suicide attempt was the first intimation of how depressed he was .

  30. 25家综合性医院急诊科中毒自杀未遂病例分析

    The study of poisoning-suicide-attempted patients in emergency departments of 25 hospitals in China