
zì yóu xínɡ
  • Freedom penalty;punishment against freedom;deprivation of liberty;punishment against liberty
  1. 短期自由刑改革方式比较研究

    Comparative Study on the Reformative Approach of Short-term Punishment against Freedom

  2. 存与废&对短期自由刑的一点思考

    Thought about Short-term Punishment against Freedom

  3. 自由刑量刑监督制度之完善

    Amelioration of the Supervisory System of Sentencing the Penalty against Liberty

  4. 自由刑的量刑模式有两种:定期刑和不定期刑。

    Liberty penalty has two forms , determinate and indeterminate penalties .

  5. 限制自由刑的产生是自由刑发展史上的一次革命。

    Penalty of restraining freedom is a revolution in the history of freedom punishment .

  6. 限制自由刑研究

    A Study on the Penalty of Restraining Freedom

  7. 自由刑与罚金刑并驾齐驱成为多数国家刑罚结构的中心。

    Freedom penalty par with pecuniary penalty punishment structure of most countries become center .

  8. 宽松刑事政策之程序体现&兼及对短期自由刑的影响

    The procedural embodiment of lenient criminal policy and its influence on the short-term free sentence

  9. 短期自由刑替代措施研究

    On Alternative Measures of Short-term Freedom Penalty

  10. 本章主要对罚金刑与自由刑的易科展开研究。

    This chapter mainly launches the research to the exchanged fine and exchanged punishment against freedom .

  11. 《易经》中记载的商周自由刑

    The Punishment to Freedom Recorded in The Book of Change in Shang Dynasty and Zhou Dynasty

  12. 最后,作者建议对不同种有期自由刑具体并罚问题作立法完善。

    Finally , Author Suggested makes the problem of combination of different kinds of freedom penalties for legislation .

  13. 这些程序变革对短期自由刑有积极影响和借鉴作用。

    The procedural reforms have active influence on and give enlightenment on the short - term free sentence .

  14. 摘要针对短期自由刑之弊害,为其寻求适合的替代手段是目前世界刑罚的革命性改革。

    It is a revolutionary reform for the world penalty to pecuniary penalty , measures of short-term freedom penalty .

  15. 这个时代的刑罚大量使用了生命刑和肉刑,而自由刑则很少使用。

    The most punishments in this age were life punishments and corporal punishments , and freedom punishment was few .

  16. 应该以宽严相济的刑事政策为指导,完善我国的自由刑执行。

    Our country 's execution of freedom should be perfected under the guidance of tempering criminal policy with mercy .

  17. 笔者期望从它们的传承中领悟到未来的自由刑裁量模式。

    The writer hopes to predict the future adjudication mode of liberty penalty in the light of their transition .

  18. 限制自由刑是近代学派的犯罪观和刑罚观在罪刑关系上的反映。

    Penalty of restraining freedom is the reflection of the views on the crime and penalty in the crime punishment relations .

  19. 现在,罚金刑与自由刑并列组成了大部分国家刑罚结构的中心。

    Now , the fine penalty and punishment against freedom parallel comprising most of the country penalty structure in the center of .

  20. 不可否认,我国以自由刑为中心的刑罚体系曾在社会发展的各方面发挥了重要作用。

    Undeniably , our penalty system with free penalty as the core plays an important role in all aspects of social development .

  21. 短期自由刑是自由刑制度的一种表现形式,在现代刑罚轻缓化的背景趋势下日显重要。

    As a kind of imprisonment penalty system , short-term imprisonment penalty is more and more important in the context of lighter punishment .

  22. 建议调整经济犯罪的刑罚体系,改革自由刑,增设资格刑,加重财产刑。

    The paper suggests adjusting the penalty system of economic crimes , reforming free penalty , increasing qualifications penalty and enhancing property penalty .

  23. 第一章沿着肉刑自由刑限制自由刑的轨迹,从中国古代的刑罚中寻找管制刑的源头。

    The chapter I supposed to dig resource of public surveillance from traditional penalty of China followed the track of penalty of freedom .

  24. 行刑社会化的含义虽十分广泛,但狱内行刑社会化因较集中体现了自由刑与社会化的冲突而具有代表性。

    In the wide scope of execution socialization , prison socialization is typical as it materializes the conflict between freedom penalty and socialization .

  25. 暂缓判决制度有利于调动少年被告人的主观能动性,能使少年法庭的审判人员正确把握和适用自由刑。

    Postponing to sentence will mobilize the initiative of juvenile defendants , and will make the juvenile court judgers correctly grasp and free sentence .

  26. 自由刑行刑方式发生变化,由完全封闭向公开、半公开变化,行刑社会化兴起以及非监禁刑的兴盛。

    Liberal criminal execution-style changes from closed to open , semi-open changes , the rise of the execution of social and non-custodial sentence flourished .

  27. 监狱制度作为自由刑的一种,其本质是惩罚犯罪,但最终还是为了完成控制与预防犯罪的目的。

    The system of imprisonment is created to punish crimes , but ultimately to control and prevent crimes , as one of free punishments .

  28. 它既有刑罚体系方面的近代化,又有刑罚思想和刑罚重心的近代化:即以自由刑为中心的清末刑罚体系的建立昭示着刑法改制近代化成份的加重;

    It suggested not only the modernization of penalty system , but also the modernization of guiding the thinking and the focus of the penalty .

  29. 罚金刑的地位日益上升,甚至有超越自由刑成为刑罚体系的中心的趋势。

    With the role of penalty increasingly growth , pecuniary penalty which transcends the freedom penal , tends to become the center of penal system .

  30. 作为缓和自由刑的一种制度性安排,对于假释所应发挥的机能的期待是多元的。

    Parole considered as a kind of system arrangement to ease punishment against liberty , the expectation of functions which parole should play is pluralistic .